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Published July 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Merrill, Wisconsin. Working plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

As of July 9, 2024 this Project was put on hold indefinitely. Micro-surfacing of four (4) County building parking lots. (approx.. 8,852 sq. yds.) The Committee reserves the right to reject any or all quotations or to accept any quotation or portion thereof they deem most advantageous to Lincoln County. The project will consist of applying Micro-surfacing slurry seal to approximately 8,852 square yards of employee parking lot. The surface will have all cracks and potholes filled. The surface will have to be brushed to remove any loose debris. This coating will be applied to four separate parking lots at three Merrill WI addresses: Lincoln County Service Center at 801 N. Sales Street, Merrill - north lot/south lot - 3,666 sq. yds. Lincoln County Safety Bldg. at 1104 E. 1st Street, Merrill WI - single lot - 3,409 sq. yds. Lincoln County maintenance shop at 912 N. Memorial drive, Merrill WI - 1,776 sq. yds. Total square yards - is approx. 8,852 sq. yds. 2. SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF SERVICES These specifications/scope of services are intended to be primarily goal-oriented. Bidders shall describe their approach to applying micro-surfacing slurry seal to Lincoln County parking lots to the herein described specifications. Bidder will apply Micro-surfacing slurry seal to approximately 8,852 square yards of employee parking lot. The surface will have all cracks and potholes filled. The surface will have to be brushed to remove any loose debris. Micro-surfacing slurry seal must meet the International Slurry Surfacing Association specifications for micro-surfacing (ISSA A143, Revised February 2010. The project will consist of applying Micro-surfacing slurry seal to approximately 8,852 square yards of employee parking lot. The surface will have all cracks and potholes filled. The surface will have to be brushed to remove any loose debris. This coating will be applied to four separate parking lots at three Merrill WI addresses: Lincoln County Service Center at 801 N. Sales Street, Merrill - north lot/south lot - 3,666 sq. yds. Lincoln County Safety Bldg. at 1104 E. 1st Street, Merrill WI - single lot - 3,409 sq. yds. Lincoln County maintenance shop at 912 N. Memorial drive, Merrill WI - 1,776 sq. yds. Total square yards - is approx. 8,852 sq. yds. 2. SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF SERVICES These specifications/scope of services are intended to be primarily goal-oriented. Bidders shall describe their approach to applying micro-surfacing slurry seal to Lincoln County parking lots to the herein described specifications. Bidder will apply Micro-surfacing slurry seal to approximately 8,852 square yards of employee parking lot. The surface will have all cracks and potholes filled. The surface will have to be brushed to remove any loose debris. Micro-surfacing slurry seal must meet the International Slurry Surfacing Association specifications for micro-surfacing (ISSA A143, Revised February 2010.

Final Planning

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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