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Published July 17, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work and paving for a road / highway in Medina, Ohio. Working plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.
**As of July 17, 2024 project has been canceled and will rebid at a later time. No definite date yet. Said improvement includes the removal of the existing concrete roadway, unsuitable sub-grade repairs, placement of limestone aggregate subbases, construction of new 10" fiber-reinforced concrete pavement with Type 2-A curbs, general excavation involving fine grading, seeding & mulching, and stipulated traffic control in accordance with the specifications and accompanying construction drawings to all aspects of the improvement. Lake Road shall remain open to thru traffic during construction. The improvement project shall last no longer than a maximum of 45 calendar days and have a final completion date of Friday, October 18, 2024. Said improvement shall be completed in phases as detailed in the construction plans, full width removal and replacement will be prohibited. The Engineer's Estimate is $180,000.00 for the base bid. Each bidder shall be required to file a bid guaranty with the bid in the form of either: (1) a Bid/ Performance Bond in the amount of one-hundred percent (100%) of the amount bid; or (2) a Certified Check, Cashier's Check or Letter of Credit shall equal to 10% of the amount bid, conditioned that the bidder shall, if his bid is accepted, execute a contract in conformity with the bid, plans, details, specifications and bills of material. A Letter of Credit shall be revocable only at the option of the County. All contractors and subcontractors involved with the project will, to the extent practicable, use Ohio products, materials, services, and labor in the implementation of their project. Additionally, contract compliance with the Equal Opportunity requirements of Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, the Governor's Executive Order of 1972, and the Governor's Executive Order 84-9 shall be required. Bidders must comply with Prevailing Wage Rates on public improvements in Medina County, Ohio as determined by the Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Labor and Worker Safety The bid will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder. The Medina County Board of Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids. PROJECT SCOPE Said improvement includes the removal of the existing concrete roadway, unsuitable sub-grade repairs, placement of limestone aggregate subbases, construction of new 10" fiber-reinforced concrete pavement with Type 2-A curbs, general excavation involving fine grading, seeding & mulching, and stipulated traffic control in accordance with the specifications and accompanying construction drawings to all aspects of the improvement. Lake Road shall remain open to thru traffic during construction. The improvement project shall last no longer than a maximum of 45 calendar days and have a final completion date of Friday, October 18, 2024. The County reserves the right to eliminate, increase or decrease the estimated quantities of any line item or to non-perform any lump sum item. The Contractor must be capable of adjusting to these demands and perform any additional work as directed by the Board of Medina County Commissioners or their representative. 11. PROJECT STARTUP/COMPLETION The County requires a minimum of fourteen (14) calendar days of notice prior to the Contractor's intent to begin work. This allows the County time to schedule inspection and set construction stakes. A preconstruction meeting between the County, Contractor, and any Sub-Contractors shall be held prior to the commencement of any work. The Contractor shall provide a construction schedule at this meeting. Before construction starts on any portion of this project, the County shall notify all affected emergency agencies, post offices, local school districts, and residents of the improvement's start date and estimated amount of days that the project is expected to take. Work shall be completed to the satisfaction of the County by October 18, 2024. Should the Project not be completed by October 18, 2024, the Contractor will be subjected to liquidated damages at the rate specified in ODOT 108.07 in addition to the costs incurred by the Medina County Engineer for inspection supervision and other related engineering expenses. Any request for extension of the completion date must be made by the Contractor, in writing, fifteen (15) days prior to the original completion date. The Contractor shall state reasons for and the number of days requested for the extension. The Contractor shall supply sufficient proof of the need for extension such as diary of days lost due to extraordinary weather, extra work authorized by Medina County Commissioners, and/or circumstances beyond his control. The County will only consider an extension of completion after receiving a written request. Extension of the completion date shall only be given upon the approval of the Board of Medina County Commissioners. Delays caused by Contractor scheduling conflicts and Contractor ordering of materials will not be considered as grounds for extension approval. 111. SPECIFICATIONS & TERMS The Construction & Material Specifications of the State of Ohio, Department of Transportation (CMS) January 1st, 2023 Edition, excluding Sections 102 and 103 titled "Bidding Requirements and Conditions" and "Award and Execution of Contract" shall serve as standard specifications for the contract awarded hereunder. Said Construction & Material Specifications are referenced herein as the "Standard Specifications". Requirements, terms, conditions and covenants of the Contract, Instructions to Bidders, Supplemental Specifications, and Bid Documents shall control over conflicting terms found in the Standard Specifications. Wherever in the contract documents reference is made to the CMS, the provisions of the referenced Item shall have the full force and effect as if rewritten herein. However, the method of measurements, basis of payment, and pay items shall be directed in the material specifications or bid proposal forms. The Contractor shall be responsible for providing his own copy of the CMS. Wherever the following terms appear in the Standard Specifications, said terms shall have the following meaning: A. B. C. D. The terms "State", "State of Ohio", "Department", and "Department of Transportation" refer to the County, acting through its Board of Commissioners . The terms "Director" and "DDD" refers to the Board of County Commissioners or it's duly authorized representative. The terms "DCE" and "Engineer" refers to the Medina County Engineer fulfilling his statutorial obligation to the County Commissioners. The term "Laboratory" refers to such testing laboratory or consultant as shall be designated by the County Engineer or by the County Engineer's duly authorized representative. A numerical designation for an "Item" referenced herein refers to the description of said Item number as provided by the Standard Specifications. Bidders are specifically referred to the definitions provided by section 101.03 of the Standard Specifications. Any undefined trade and technical words and terms shall be deemed to have the meaning established by trade usage in the highway/bridge construction and civil engineering consultation business. All work and materials furnished shall conform to CMS, unless otherwise indicated in the construction plans or as directed by the Medina County Engineer. Materials and/or products used for this project shall have their specifications submitted to the Project Coordinator at the pre-construction meeting for review. The materials and products used shall be ODOT- approved, unless written approval is granted by the Engineer prior to entering into a formal contract. AS PER PLAN DESIGNATION For the last several years the "As Per Plan" designation has been added to some item descriptions in the proposal to assist the contractors to easily identify standard items that have been altered by plan notes. The "As Per Plan" designation has proven to be a very useful tool for the Contractors. However, its use was never intended to relieve the Contractors of their responsibility to read, bid and construct all items in accordance with all governing plan notes. Therefore, the absence of an "As Per Plan" designation on some item descriptions in the proposal for which there are clear and controlling plan notes does not relieve the Contractors of the responsibility to read, bid and construct those particular items In accordance with the governing plan notes
Final Planning
Roads / Highways
Public - City
Paving, Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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