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Published August 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Detroit, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

PROJECT NAME AND LOCATION (INCLUDE STREET ADDRESS) EGLE 4515 Tireman Street, Detroit 4515 Tireman Avenue Detroit, MI 48204 All contractor/vendor representatives attending a Pre-Bid Walk Through Meeting must submit a Vendor/Contractor LEIN Request five business days prior to the meeting date, (See the attached Vendor/Contractor LEIN Request form). Send the LEIN Request form, filled out and signed, by email to Daniel T. Smith & Sharon Frost at email addresses: SmithD76@michigan.gov & FrostS1@michigan.gov .The email "Subject" must include (Facility Name, Project Name, Date & Time of Pre-Bid Walk Through Meeting). NOTE: An individual is only permitted to represent one bidder at a mandatory walk-through. The Work includes obtaining all necessary permits, all pre-construction and construction submittals; mobilization and demobilization from the site; excavation, transportation, and disposal of nonhazardous soil, asphalt, and concrete; excavation dewatering, stormwater, and nonhazardous liquid management; removal and disposal of potential underground storage tank(s) (UST); backfill and compaction; wooden ramp removal and reinstallation; fencing and gate removal and replacement, sidewalk replacement; and site restoration. Please NOTE: o Bid responses and bid attachments MUST be uploaded to SIGMA VSS. o Contractors should only submit a maximum of two (2) attachments (both being less than 25 MB) for bid responses. One attachment is to be bid documents (Bid Summary, Bid Schedule, Bid Bond, Certification forms, Signature Authority, etc.) and if applicable, the other attachment should be Qualified Disabled Veteran (QDV) information (DD214, Proof of 51% Ownership and Proof of Service-Connected Disability) o Do not wait until just before the 2:00 p.m. solicitation deadline to submit your bid response. SIGMA VSS will not allow a proposal to be submitted after 2:00 p.m., even if a portion of the bid response has been uploaded. o If you experience issues or have questions regarding your electronic submission, you must contact the SIGMA Help Desk for assistance prior to the 2:00 p.m., solicitation deadline. You may contact the SIGMA Help Desk by telephone at 517.284.0540 or toll-free at 888.734.9749. You may also email the SIGMA Help Desk at sigma-procurement-helpdesk@michigan.gov o Please email the Design and Construction Contract Specialists if you are having SIGMA VSS issues. Please include your SIGMA ticket number and any supporting documentation (i.e., screenshots) to Anne Watros (WatrosA@michigan.gov) and Don Klein (KleinD4@michigan.gov). o You may be asked by our contract specialists to email your bid response. Emailed submissions will require DCD approval and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. o Approved emailed submissions MUST be received prior to 2:00 p.m. deadline to be considered responsive and responsible. o Bid Responses should not be emailed to the Project Director. NIGP CODES: 91382,91244, 92629, 92630, 92645, 92678, 92685, 92691 ACCEPTING QUESTIONS UNTIL: Please do not submit online questions via SIGMA VSS. ALL questions should be emailed to Anita Emery-Devisser at anita.devisser@wsp.com no later than 2:00 p.m., Eastern on June 26 2024. PSC/Agency: Anita Emery-DeVisser WSP Michigan, Inc Phone: (947) 771-4225 Address: 46850 Magellan Drive STE 190 Novi MI 48377 Email: anita.devisser @wsp.com


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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4515 Tireman Ave, Detroit, MI

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