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Published August 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Kewaskum, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project; road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The principal items for which proposals are invited are: 3750 LF Sanitary Sewer Mains, 8-Inch PVC 375 LF Sanitary Sewer Main, 8-Inch PVC Directional Drill 4100 LF Water Mains, 10-Inch PVC 375 LF Water Mains, 10-Inch PVC Directional Drill 130 LF Storm Sewer Culvert, 24-Inch CMP 2800 LF Storm Sewer Main and Lead, 12-Inch to 36-Inch 2200 LF Concrete Curb and Gutter, 30-Inch 9900 SF Concrete Driveway, 6-Inch 17500 TN Aggregate Base Dense, 3/4-Inch to 1-1/4-Inch 4000 TN Hot Mix Asphalt Pavement 16500 LF Epoxy Pavement Markings, 4-Inch to 10-Inch 10200 SY Landscape Restoration Bids shall be accompanied by a Certified Check or Bid Bond payable to the Village of Kewaskum in an amount equal to 5% of the Bid, as a guarantee that if the Bid is accepted, the Bidder will execute and file the Contract, the Contract Performance Bond and Payment Bond, and the Insurance Certificate(s), as required by the Contract Documents, within 15 days after the Notice of Award of the Contract by the Village of Kewaskum. Failure on the part of the Bidder to do so will result in forfeiture of the Bidder's Certified Check or Bid Bond to the Village of Kewaskum as liquidated damages. Qualified bidders will be notified by the Engineer prior to the above bid date. The Village of Kewaskum reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in bidding. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after the scheduled time for opening bids. Letting of the contract is subject to Sections 61.54 and 62.15 of the Wisconsin Statutes as applicable. ***Document Note: Complete digital project bidding documents are available at online You may download the digital plan documents for $25.00 each, non-refundable. Bidding documents are also available for pickup from Kunkel Engineering Group, located within the City of West Bend City Hall, 1115 S. Main St., West Bend, WI 53095, (920) 210-6330, upon a non-refundable payment of $50.00 per set. Scope of Work The work includes furnishing all labor, materials, and equipment required for installation of underground utilities; placement of concrete curb and gutter; evaluation of the subbase material, removal and replacement of undesirable material; placement of aggregate base course; restoration of all disturbed areas; as indicated in the Project Plans and Contract Documents, complete, ready for use and acceptable to the Village of Kewaskum. Location of Work o Along the south side of STH 28 from Edgewood Road to McMahon Way (TID 4). o Construction of utilities and roadway of McMahon Way (TID 4) from STH 28 to south Termini. o Along a utility easement from McMahon Way (TID 4) to Knights Avenue. Owner & Engineer When the OWNER or VILLAGE is mentioned herein, it means the Village of Kewaskum. When the ENGINEER is mentioned, it means the Consultant, Kunkel Engineering Group, or its delegated representative. Standard Specifications Perform all work under this contract as per the provisions of Standard Specifications for Sewer and Water Construction in Wisconsin, Sixth Edition, and State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Division of Highways, Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction, latest edition, including all Supplemental Specifications and other revisions to date, unless otherwise specified herein or noted on the Project Plans. Both documents are referred to herein as Standard Specifications. Section numbers less than 100 refer to the former, section numbers larger than 100 refer to the latter.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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WI-28, Kewaskum, WI

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