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Published July 2, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Demolition, site work, paving, outdoor lighting and new construction of a mixed-use development in Keene, New Hampshire. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; for outdoor lighting for a road / highway; bridge / tunnel; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; for the demolition of a bridge / tunnel; for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; and bridge / tunnel.
The City of Keene, New Hampshire is seeking statement of qualification for Construction Engineering Services-Marlboro St. Corridor & George St. over Beaver Brook Marlboro Street Corridor Project (NHDOT #42515) This Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) project begins just east of the Roundabout at Main Street, Winchester Street, and Marlboro Street. It continues approximately 4,700 feet along Marlboro Street to the intersection of Eastern Avenue. The project also includes the construction of a multi-use trail along Bartholomew Court and through the public works complex to connect Marlboro Street to the Cheshire Rail Trail. The scope of work along Marlboro Street includes: Road diet and traffic calming measures with chicanes, curb extensions, and dedicated painted bike lanes. Milling and detailed grading of the asphalt surface are needed to accommodate the shift in the horizontal alignment. Crosswalk construction and safety improvements at three key intersections with rectangular rapid flashing beacons, lighting, signage, and pavement markings. Green infrastructure improvements via proposed planted rain gardens at select curb bump-out locations. The final design for this project is ongoing. We expect this project will be advertised for construction in late July 2024. Construction is planned to begin this fall and will likely continue through early 2025. The estimated construction duration is 6 months. The estimated construction cost is approximately $1.5 Million. Please see attachment A, Preliminary Plans, Keene 42515, for more details. George Street Bridge Replacement (NHDOT #40653) This Municipally Owned Bridge Rehabilitation and Replacement (MOBRR) project will replace the George Street Bridge (NHDOT # 142/092) over Beaver Brook. This 100-year-old bridge is on the NHDOT Municipal Red List for structural deficiencies. The scope of work for this project includes: Full closure and detour of the local roadway traffic around the work area Stream bypass, dewatering, and removal of the existing bridge structure Water, sewer, and stormwater utility reconstruction under and along the proposed bridge replacement Precast concrete 3-sided rigid frame structural elements founded on spread footings Coordination and management of contaminated soil and groundwater from dewatering and excavation on one side of the bridge. The bridge site abuts a dry-cleaning facility with a known tetrachloroethene (PCE) plume extending into the work zone. Management of soil is expected to include temporary on-site stockpile, characterization, and off-site disposal of material. Management of groundwater is expected to include dewatering, on-site treatment, and on-site discharge. Granite curb, concrete sidewalk, and asphalt pavement reconstruction The final design for this project is ongoing. We expect this project will be advertised in October 2024 for construction in 2025. The estimated construction duration is 4-6 months. The estimated construction cost is approximately $1.8 Million. Please see Attachment B, Preliminary Plans, Keene 40653, for more details. Responding firms are welcome to submit their qualifications for either one or both projects. The City reserves the right to select one firm for both projects or select a different firm for each. The selected firm(s) will negotiate and execute separate contracts for each project. Monthly invoicing, reporting, record keeping, etc. for the two projects must remain separate and distinct. The example Scope of Work that follows is intended to be representative. Not all tasks will apply to both projects. Scope of Work Task 1 - Project Management & Coordination The consultant will provide project management and coordination services throughout the Construction Phase of the project, as identified by the following tasks: Meetings & Coordination; The consultant will attend meetings with the City, including progress meetings every week, the preconstruction conference, and other project-related meetings. For each scheduled meeting, the consultant will prepare and circulate meeting notes. This task assumes one staff member (i.e., project manager) attending each meeting in addition to the resident engineer. Monthly Status Reports: The consultant will prepare and submit status reports monthly to the City during the construction phase of the project. Reports will be sufficiently detailed to satisfy the requirements of NH DOT for reimbursement purposes. Sub-consultant Management - The consultant will coordinate and oversee the work of sub-consultants listed below. Included is the review and approval of test reports and special inspections, processing of invoices, etc. Task 2 - Construction Observation The consultant will perform near full-time construction observation of the work performed by the contractor to ensure satisfactory compliance with the Contract Documents. One near-fulltime resident engineer will be required for the duration of the project. Additional personnel may be required for specific construction tasks (e.g., concrete pours, structural placements, paving, etc.) The resident engineer will prepare daily reports, photograph project progress, collect product certifications, measure quantities for payment, monitor construction personnel, and assist the City with verification of the monthly progress payment requests. The consultant will review and certify monthly payment requests and collect the Contractor's Prompt Payment certifications. The resident engineer will maintain a Quantity Book and bound field notebooks. This may include the use of modern construction recordkeeping software. Based on recent project experience within the City of Keene, digital tools are preferred. The records must identify the pay item and unit, location, dates, and supporting measurements and calculations. The field notebooks and Quantity Book must be cross-referenced and be available for review by NHDOT and FHWA during site visits. The consultant will also maintain an engineer's estimate of balances and excesses. Reviews at the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 90% completion levels are recommended. The resident engineer will also collect field data required for Record Drawings and the City's Asset Management System. Field data to be collected includes: Swing ties to buried utility valves, fittings, and structures. Collection of GPS coordinates with suitable accuracy may be used in place of swing tie measurements Installation dates Photos of buried components Task 3 - Construction Administration Under this task, the consultant will review shop drawings, working drawings, and certificates of compliance for materials. The following submissions may include (but are not limited to): Construction Schedules Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Water Diversion Plan Traffic Control Plan Material Submittals and Certifications Shop Drawings for fabricated items Bridge Demolition plan Concrete placement plan Paving plan The consultant will respond to formal Contractor Requests for Information (RFI) on technical and construction-related issues during construction. The City will also retain the services of the design engineer to provide consultation on questions related to design intent, basis of design calculations, etc. The consultant will refer RFI's that require a response from the design engineer directly and copy the City. The consultant will assist with contract change order requests, as needed. The consultant will prepare independent governmental estimates (IGEs) and narratives supporting or denying the requested changes as appropriate. Requests for contract time extensions will be vetted against the contractor's critical path method (CPM) schedule. After the project, a final reconciliation change order based on the final quantities and the final payment request will be prepared. The consultant will collect Certificates of Compliance, including "Build America, Buy America Certificates" for all applicable items. These certificates must be organized and verified before payment can be made on the applicable item. The consultant will verify that the project is being built to the lines and grades shown on the plans. This may include independent checks on occasion. Task 4 - Federal Aid Compliance Reviews The consultant will review certified payroll submissions received from the Contractor. The consultant will review the Certified Payrolls against the Daily Sign-in sheets and be responsible for compiling the Certified Payrolls for NH DOT review. The consultant will complete Commercially Useful Function (CUF) Project Site Reviews for any Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) subcontractor that performs work on the project. The consultant will also complete Labor Standard Interviews to interview at least one employee from the contractor and each subcontractor. At least some interviews must be completed monthly. Task 5 - Material Testing Coordination The consultant will manage a Quality Assurance Program following the NHDOT Quality Assurance Program for Municipally Managed Federal-aid Projects, located within Appendix 21 of the NHDOT LPA manual. This will be prepared and submitted to the NHDOT before work begins. As part of this program, the consultant will coordinate with the material testing subconsultant on the schedule, frequency, and location of the testing to be performed as part of this project. The consultant will review the results of the material testing to determine if any material placed does not meet project specifications. As applicable, the Consultant will use the results of the material testing to calculate payment adjustments for concrete and bituminous asphalt QC/QA items. The results of testing will be maintained in a lab book which becomes part of the final project record. Task 6 - Prepare Record Drawings / Project Closeout Documentation The consultant will prepare a "punch list" of items to be completed, repaired, or redone by the Contractor to achieve roadway/bridge/trail opening, substantial completion, and final completion. After Substantial Completion, the Consultant will coordinate with the Contractor to observe and document that the punch list items are addressed. The consultant will prepare Record (As-Built) Plans. These will document construction changes that occur in the field, based on information provided by the Contractor and the resident engineer. Before the final inspection of the project, the Consultant will meet with the Contractor and the City, turnover draft Record (As-Built) Plans for their review and comment, and revise the plans accordingly. Upon approval of the Record (As-Built) Plans by the City, the Consultant will submit a final set of Record plans to the NHDOT. The consultant will provide the City with one paper copy of the record drawings as well as electronic copies in both PDF and AutoCAD format. In addition, the Consultant will provide survey data in CSV format (PNEZD) for City staff to update GIS and asset management records, including: Bridge working points Guardrails Centerline of sidewalks Stormwater pipe inverts (at the beginning and end of each segment) Catch basins and drainage manholes (center of grate/cover) Perimeter of stormwater treatment features Centerline and elevation of new water mains and service laterals Curb stops Gate valves Hydrants Water Main fittings (e.g., elbows, tees, caps) Inverts of new sewer mains and service laterals Sewer manholes Sewer cleanouts Centerline of underground conduit Hand holes and pull boxes Light fixtures New or relocated signs Trees The consultant will prepare a final record book, consisting of individual item summary pages with supporting calculations or load slips. This will be used as the basis of the final payment for the project. Bid Contact Yves P Gakunde (603) 357-9800 ext 6097 3 Washington St, 2nd Floor Keene, NH 03431 Interviews for Selected Firms July 18, 2024 Consultant Selection Completion August 2, 2024 Scope and Fee Negotiation August 2024 Construction Begins (Marlboro Street Project only) September 2024 The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.
Roads / Highways
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Demolition, New Construction, Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work
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