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Published June 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Stillwater, Minnesota. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The successful Contractor will have the ability to perform all the functions below. Contractors who cannot provide the full range of requested services may submit a proposal but must clearly note any services listed in this request which would not be provided. Contractors are also encouraged to highlight any services for which they possess particularly notable qualifications. Contractor will clean and maintain floors during periods at the discretion of Washington County Building Services Management including evenings and weekends. Contractor will provide labor, materials and equipment. Contractor shall be skilled and experienced for the task required. Contractor shall be able to cover buildings throughout Washington County if required. Sites included at the time of this proposal are the Forest Lake Service Center, the Cottage Grove Service Center, the Public Works North Shop and the first and second floor public area of the County Courthouse. Additional sites may be added via addendum during the term of the contract. Approximate square footage for the sites is listed in Appendix C. A visit to the specified sites will be made available prior to the date when questions are due. Flooring includes but is not limited to Carpet, Ceramic, Marmoleum, VCT, Terrazzo, Nora Rubber, Concrete and Polished Concrete It is anticipated but not guaranteed that the selection of a contractor will be completed by June 28, 2024. Following notification of the selected contractor, it is expected a contract will be executed between both parties by July 20, 2024. Notification of Award 6/28/2024 Commencement Date 7/20/2024 Completion Date 7/20/2025 with the option of renewal Question Deadline 06/14/2024 at 4:00 PM CT All questions and notifications must be sent via e-mail by to the County Authorized Representative: Christina Mastro christina.mastro@co.washinton.mn.us Only written questions and notifications will receive responses. Washington County reserves the right to disregard questions received An addendum will be issued through the same communication medium as this RFP was originally distributed no later than June 20, 2024. Commercial General Liability with Contractual liability coverage in the amount of $1,500,000 per occurrence with a $3,000,000 aggregate. An excess or umbrella liability policy may be used in conjunction with primary coverage limits to meet the minimum limit requirements. B. Automobile coverage in the amount of $1,500,000 on a combined single limit basis and include hired and non-owned. C. Worker's Compensation in statutory amount (if applicable) of bodily injury by accident in the amount of $500,000 each accident, bodily injury by disease in the amount of $500,000 each employee, and bodily injury by disease in the amount of $500,000 policy limit. The County shall have the sole right at any time to reject and expel any Contractor's representative/employee who in the County's judgment pose a risk or potential risk to the security or operations of the County, its staff, representatives, operations or to the public. Also, the County may in its sole discretion waive the background check requirement under this contract for any of Contractor's officers, agents, or employees for whom the Contractor had within the past year submitted to the County an approved background check.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Stillwater, MN

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