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Published August 29, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Altoona, Pennsylvania. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

Renovation of properties at 1305-1307 18th Avenue and 1329 21st Avenue The Redevelopment Authority of Altoona Reserves the Right to Accept and/or Reject Any Proposal Related to the Above-referenced Project. MINIMUM BID PRICE: Although the selection of the successful bidder will be determined by more than just the amount of the bid, the Authority expects a minimum bid price of $10,000.00. The successful party will be required to provide written proof of financial ability to rehabilitate the property as described in the following proposal. This proof may consist of verification of funds in a bank account, documentation of a line of credit availability, or bank issued construction loan or bond, or similar. PURCHASE TERMS AND STIPULATIONS: The successful bidder will be required to enter into a Developer’s Agreement with the R.A. for the following items: The Authority will issue a quitclaim deed for the property, and the deed will be held in escrow until a final inspection of the items within the proposed project scope are completed and approved by the R.A. Building permits and subsequent inspections will be required for all applicable work. Proposed plumbing and electrical work must be completed by licensed Masters in the City of Altoona. The property scope of work must be completed within 180 days of the signed Developer’s Agreement. General Liability Insurance and, if applicable, workers compensation insurance, will be required as part of the executed Developer’s Agreement on the property. The deed will contain a restriction requiring that the property be maintained and continued as an owner-occupied single-family residence for a period of 10 years upon completion. FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CONTACT: Diana White, Director City of Altoona Community Development Department 1301 12th Street, Suite 400 814-949-2470 planning@altoonapa.gov PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS: 1. The property will be open for inspection on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 from 2:30 PM until 4:30 PM. 2. Proposal packages must be delivered to the Community Development Department no later than 12:00 PM on Monday, July 8, 2024. 3. Must include the signed statement on page 6. 4. All submissions, including attachments, must be on 8 ½” x 11” paper. 5. Respondents must submit 3 copies of the proposal, including attachments. 6. After a proposal is received and evaluated, the R.A. reserves the right to discuss with an applicant, any and all items contained in their proposal, including but not limited to: scope of work, prior experience, financial concerns or clarifications, schedule of work or values, and missing items or work. Upon review and discovery, the applicant will have 5 business days to re-submit any required items needed for a complete proposal. It is expected that the successful proposal will be selected at the July 19, 2024, R.A. board meeting. Proposals will be held for ninety (90) days.


Residential Subdivision


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June 2, 2025


Multiple Locations, Altoona, PA

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RFP - Renovation of properties at 1305-1307 18th Avenue and 1329 21st Avenue

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