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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Northwest Territories Energy Corporation Ltd. (Nt Energy) Contracted Midgard Consulting Inc. (Midgard) to Prepare a Feasibility Study and a Preliminary Design for the Fort Providence to Hay River 72 Kv & 25 Kv Interconnection Project "Fphr Line". The Study Includes Two Options (Refer to Appendix a. Project Map): Roadside Route (116 Km) That Includes 36 Km of 25 Kv Underbuilt (Replacing and Upgrading the Existing Distribution System) Resulting in an Extension of the 3-phase Distribution System to the Proposed Pellet Plant Located Approximately 4 Km Northwest of Enterprise. Direct Route (81 Km) Overland to Kakisa Junction Without an Access Road. The Government of the Northwest Territories (Gnwt) Has Engaged Hatch Ltd. For a Review and Update of the Roadside Route of the Preliminary Engineering Report Prepared by Midgard. The FPHR Line is designed to interconnect the communities of Fort Providence, Dory Point, and Kakisa to the existing transmission grid. The FPHR Line comprises the following components. Refer also the map provided in Appendix A. A. New 72 kV Switching Station at the Fort Smith Highway Junction. B. New 72 kV Transmission Line from Highway-1/Highway-5 Junction (Point A) to Kakisa Junction (Point C). The proposed line follows Highway-2 in southward direction to Enterprise, then follows Highway 1 in northwest direction to Kakisa Junction (total length of 116 km). Between the Fort Smith Junction (point A) to Pellet Mill (point B), the 72 kV line also includes 36 km of 25 kV underbuilt circuit and neutral. C. New 72/25 kV Substation at Kakisa Junction. D. New 25 kV Distribution Line from Kakisa Junction to Fort Providence (length of 54 km). Crossing of the Makenzie River will be achieved with insulated cables installed in a rack under the Deh Cho Bridge. Overhead to cable transition structures (riser structures) will be installed at the intersections of overhead line and the insulated cable. E. Existing Single-Phase 14.4 kV Distribution Line Between Kakisa Junction and Kakisa to be upgraded to 3-phase 25 kV utilizing existing structures. The existing single-phase 14.4 kV line between Dory Point and Kakisa Junction is to be replaced with the new 25 kV circuit. F. New 25 kV/4160 V substation in Fort Providence. G. New Kakisa 25 kV substation (secondary voltage is not available). H. New Dory Point 25 kV substation (secondary voltage is not available). Question Deadline 06/12/2024 at 3:00 PM MT Question Acceptance Deadline


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June 23, 2025


Multiple Locations, Fort Smith, NT

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