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Published July 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an office development in London, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a office development.

Reference Number 0000271892 Question Acceptance Deadline Jun 21, 2024 02:00 PM EDT Question deadline date extended from 06/21/2024 to 07/02/2024 02:00 PM EDT Pricing Lump sum Divide the current space into a separate room for high density storage, which will include extension of drywall from one side to the wall with exterior facing window. Provide and install doors for access into the space, with an additional vestibule for security purposes. Existing windows in the current space to be covered up with drywall and finished to blend it with existing wall for privacy. The room will include two rows of high-density storage with enough access clearance in the space supplied by bidder. No structural modifications are required for this option as the HDS installations can be accommodated with the existing slab-on-grade structure. HVAC system modification is to relocate a minimum of 4 supply air diffusers to accommodate the layout. The relocation of diffusers will require re-balancing in affected portion of the system. The new partition walls of the storage room will be of full height and fire rated, fire rated dampers will be required in the supply ducts that pass through the partition. The existing thermostat would be required to be relocated outside the storage room back into the corridor. Return air from the space back to the unit will be via a return air transfer above the T-bar ceiling complete with a fire damper. Security Measure installation within ductwork as necessary. Relocate the existing lighting fixtures. Provide new 2’x2’ LED lighting fixtures on the new corridor, and revise the lighting switching to accommodate the proposed layout. Provide new exit sign, battery unit c/w remote head, remote head. Provide new power/data. Provide new conduit, wiring, junction boxes for both CCTV and access control system. Supply, Install, Provide all the elements indicated on the drawings for new doors D1 and D2. The existing power poles and existing outlets will be removed, the wiring will be pulled back to respective panel and made safe. Anticipated award date: July 15, 2024 Anticipated construction end date: November 18, 2024 Bid Securities mean a bid bond and surety's consent as defined below: (a) Bids submitted at $100,000 or greater shall include the following by the Closing Date and Time: A bid bond in a commercially reasonable form or an irrevocable standby letter of credit issued by a financial institution authorized to conduct business in Canada as a Schedule I or Schedule II chartered bank in the amount of at least 10% of the Bid Price and that shall be in effect until forty-five (45) calendar days following Closing Date. A suretys consent indicating that, in accordance with section 5.18.1. of this ITT, the surety company will furnish the contract security which shall include a 50% performance bond and a 50% labour and materials payment bond of the Bid Price or a consent from the Schedule I or Schedule II chartered bank that an irrevocable standby letter of credit in the amount of 50% of the Bid Price will be furnished. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.bgis.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform. Award subject to final approval.




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1950 Avro Rd, London, ON

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