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Published August 20, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Front Royal, Virginia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

See Amendment 2 in Attachments The Smithsonian Institution is seeking offers through this Request for Proposals (RFP) Renew the Veterinary Hospital at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute. (SCBI) serves as Smithsonian's conservation headquarters, where scientists tackle some of today's most complex conservation challenges by applying and sharing what they learn about animal behavior and reproduction, ecology, genetics, migration, and conservation sustainability. All of the requirements which the successful Offeror must meet concerning this project will be set forth in detail in the solicitation documents attached to this Request for Proposal. Upon the receipt of Technical and Cost Proposals and the selection of a successful Offeror the Smithsonian will execute a fixed-price construction contract. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to immediately notify the Smithsonian Institution if the target dates and proposed packages of work described herein adversely affect the Contractor's Critical Path Schedule for the final completion date of this project (730 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed). Contractors may propose an alternate schedule which illustrates the completion of the project in advance of the completion date. This RFP is intended to provide all Offerors with sufficient information to enable them to prepare and submit offers for review and consideration by the Smithsonian Institution. The documents will be distributed electronically. This solicitation neither commits the Smithsonian Institution to pay any proposal preparation costs nor obligates the Smithsonian to procure or contract for construction or any other services. It shall not be construed as authorization to proceed with or be reimbursed for any of the costs for any of the work specified herein. Funding for this construction project will be spread over Fiscal Years 2023, Fiscal Year 2024 (FY23 and FY24). The construction project will be partially funded in FY23, which ends Sept 30, 2023, and the remainder of the project will be funded when FY24 federal funds become available. The cost proposal should reflect the division of costs over the two fiscal years. The Smithsonian Institution may cancel this RFP without prior notice. TOUR OF THE SITE: Offerors may tour the site on Thursday July 23, 2024, at 9:00AM. Offerors must confirm their Participation in the site tour with COTR Matt Burch, BurchM@si.edu. The starting point will be the parking lot behind bldg. 285 (auditorium) you may want to note to enter the gate the campus at Gate 2 and get directions from the guard at the gate. Offerors should decide to visit the site to familiarize themselves with the conditions as specified in the drawings and specifications. Offerors are encouraged to inspect the site prior to submitting a proposal, as information concerning the site may be useful in preparing offers. Failure to visit the site will not constitute a basis for a claim for change in or differing the site conditions, when visiting the site would have provided the Offeror an opportunity to compare the physical site against the drawings and specifications no questions will be answered, all qustions must be in writing as indiated in the RFI's. QUESTIONS/CLARIFICATIONS It is desired that all questions/clarifications be sent in word format, sequentially numbered for example first questions 1, 2, 3, second set of questions 4, 5, 6, etc. to tuckeri@si.edu. It is requested that all questions be sent in by Wednesday August 7, 2024, no later than 3PM EST. SUBCONTRACTING GOALS The subcontracting goals for this project are: _40% a minimum of the planned subcontracting dollars to be placed with small business concerns. (The following are subsets of the small business goal): _7%_ a minimum of the planned subcontracting dollars to be placed with small disadvantaged small business concerns to include: HBCU/MI's, and 4% a minimum of the planned subcontracting dollars to be placed with veteran owned, service-disabled small business concerns: _4%_ a minimum of the planned subcontracting dollars to be placed with HUBZone small business concerns: _7%_ a minimum of the planned subcontracting dollars to be placed with women-owned small business concerns. BID DUE DATE: Friday, August 23, 2024, by 3:00PM. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is for Smithsonian Institution's National Zoo VA and Conservation Biology Institute (SCBI) to complete the Renew Veterinary Hospital project (SF Project # 2070108), located at 1500 Remount Rd, Front Royal, VA 22630. The Contractor receiving the award shall provide all supervision, labor, materials and equipment necessary to perform construction services to complete the work as described in this RFP below and the Contract Documents (as defined in Section B of this RFP), including, without limitation, the Drawings and Specifications for SF Project No. 2070108 dated March 21, 2024, attached hereto as Appendix 1-3. All work shall be done in accordance with applicable codes and regulations. Total period of performance is 730 calendar days from date of Notice to Proceed.




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August 23, 2024

October 22, 2024


1500 Remount Rd, Front Royal, VA

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