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Renovation of a mixed-use development in Boston, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The City of Boston Public Schools (the City), acting by and through its Director of Facili- ties Management (the awarding authority), invites sealed bids for the above-titled project, subject to the applicable provisions of the law, including, without limitation, M.G.L. c.149 as amended, and by the terms and conditions of the law of the contract documents entitled "Installation of Water Bottle Refill Stations - Package 9." The City intends to award one (1) contract to the lowest and most responsible bidder. The City of Boston, acting through its public school department the Boston Public Schools, invites sealed bids for the above-titled project, subject to the applicable provisions of the law, including, without limitation, M.G.L. Chapter 149 as amended, and in accordance with the terms and provisions of the law of the contract documents entitled: INSTALLATION OF WATER BOTTLE REFILL STATIONS - PACKAGE 9 . The City intends to award one (1) contract to the responsive and responsible bidder with the lowest price. The work in each of sixty-four (64) buildings shall be the total turnkey installation of new Network Server Controllers (NSC) and systems integration with the existing building automation systems controls and sensors, and shall include all materials and equipment, engineering services, subcontract electrical work (as needed), software, technicians start-up and calibration, etc. Demolition of existing drinking fountains or sinks for replacement with water bottle refill stations and the installation of water bottle refill stations at new locations without existing drinking water infrastructure. All units will be mounted on phenolic enclosures or panels Question Deadline 07/03/2024 Bidders with questions or requiring interpretations or clarification of any perceived conflict, ambiguity, error, or omission that is discovered upon examination of the bidding documents shall make a written request for interpretation or clarification. Requests for interpretation or clarification, or proposals for any other modifications to the bidding documents, made orally or received less than five (5) working days Saturday, Sunday, and legal holidays excluded, from the date of bid




Public - City


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