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Renovation of a medical facility in St. John's, Newfoundland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

Closing Time: 2:00 PM (NT) ** Please note that there has been 3 addendum issued for this project. ** Question Acceptance Deadline 2024/07/04 02:00:00 PM NDT Cancer Clinic and Molecular Medicine Facility, Health Science Centre, 300 Prince Phillip Drive, St. John's, NL .1WORK COVERED BY CONTRACT DOCUMENTS Work under this contract includes but is not necessarily limited to the following: .1Work of this Contract comprises of the installation a new hot water system per location comprising of three (3) - 54kW hot water tanks along with ancillary equipment including an expansion tank, re-circulation pumps, electronic mixing valves, and copper ionization system. The project encompasses two locations identified as CP-1 for Cancer Clinic and CP-2 for Molecular Imaging. 2Contractor is to re-balance the existing domestic hot water recirculation system to meet all requirements of CSA Z317.1. .3Contractor to coordinate with Owner prior to tie in with existing domestic water piping systems. .4Contractor to tie into the existing domestic water piping system during a period of the lowest demand. .5The new domestic hot water system shall integrate into the existing Building Automation System which is as follows: Contractor to coordinate with Owner prior to tie in with existing domestic water piping systems. Contractor to tie into the existing domestic water piping system during a period of the lowest demand. The new domestic hot water system shall integrate into the existing Building Automation System which is as follows: .1 Honeywell CPO BACnet Control System Contractor is expected to assist Honeywell staff with the installation of mechanical components as detailed on the Mechanical and Electrical drawings. Refer to the mechanical drawings and specifications for the full scope of mechanical work. Miscellaneous cutting and patching as it relates to this Contract. In general, the electrical scope of work includes new breakers, disconnects, starters, conduit/wiring, and receptacles. Dust control shall be included in this contract and shall be performed where required to facilitate the work. Refer to the specification sections on dust control procedures and temporary barriers and enclosures included herein. Work covered by this contract will require Infection Prevention and Control Measures in Compliance with CSA Z317.13. Latest edition. Refer to Section 01 35 30- Infection Control. Refer to the mechanical and electrical drawing packages for location of work which will require hoarding as per 01 35 30-Infection Control. Work covered by this contract requires a phased approach, with specific tasks allocated to different times to minimize disruption. Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.

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300 PPD, St. John's, NL

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