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Published June 12, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, paving and new construction of a water / sewer project in Hayward, California. Completed plans call civil work for a wastewater treatment plant.

The project will bid in two packages. Package 1 – Administration Building will advertise for bids in October 2024; start construction Jan 2025 Package 2 – WPCF Phase II project will advertise for bids July 2025, and start construction October 2025 “The owner has determined a prequalified list of construction managers. It hasn't been awarded yet. A timeline for award has not yet been established.” Bid Package 1 Administration Building and Laboratory: The new Administration Building will consist of a two-story, 22,561 square foot structure with the following facilities to support operations and maintenance (O&M) of the WPCF. The building is designed to meet LEED silver and includes the following major elements: A landscaped public entryway and reception area Space for interpretive signs and exhibits to educate visitors Administrative offices Meeting and training rooms that can also serve as public meeting spaces Employee break and wellness facilities Shower and locker rooms for O&M staff A multi-function water quality laboratory A main control room serving the entire WPCF Climate-controlled space to house supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) equipment and other control and monitoring equipment for use by O&M and laboratory staff Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system Electrical and communication/network improvements including fiber loop improvements Covered parking with solar panels and EV charging stations in portions of the new parking lots to be constructed west of the new Administration Building. Site improvements, including a new entry driveway and a pedestrian walkway off Whitesell Street, new vehicle parking space for employees and visitors, security fencing and access gates, site security systems, and fiber loop improvements. Demolition of the existing administration building and laboratory is included to make room for the covered parking area with solar panels just west of the new building. 60% plans for the Administration Building are available upon request. The opinion of probable construction cost estimated for the Administration Building and Laboratory, including related site improvements is $32 million with a range of accuracy for the Class 2 estimate of -15% to +20% or between $27 and $38 million (60% design complete estimate). Bid Package 2 Primary Effluent Equalization Tanks (PE EQ Tanks) The Citys primary effluent equalization pond currently sits in the southwest corner of the WPCF site, which is the proposed location for much of the Phase II improvements including new biological nutrient removal (BNR) basins, a new final clarifier, blower building and electrical substation, alkalinity chemical storage and feed facility, and ancillary facilities. Prior to construction of the Phase II improvements that reside in the current location of the equalization basin, new Primary Effluent Equalization (PE EQ) Tanks will need to be constructed. The new PE EQ Tanks will be located at the northeast corner of the site and will consist of two 1.5-million-gallon (MG) reinforced concrete equalization basins for a total of 3 MG of storage. The PE EQ Tanks will be covered and provided with odor control. The trickling filter pump station will be modified to convey flow to and from the PE EQ Tanks. The opinion of probable construction cost estimated for the PE EQ Tanks is estimated to be $27 million with a range of accuracy corresponding to a Class 4 estimate of -30% to +50% or between $15 and $32 million (preliminary design (30%) complete stage). Preliminary drawings are included in Attachment B. Bid Package 3 WPCF Improvements - Phase II Project The WPCF Improvements The Phase II Project includes the following: Demolition of the existing equalization basin Five biological nutrient removal (BNR) Basins Construction of a new final clarifier Retrofit of two existing final clarifiers consisting of demolition of existing clarifier mechanisms and bridge, installation of micropiles, construction of new slab and interior walls, and installation of new clarifier mechanisms. Construction of a new blower building and electrical substation. Construction of new alkalinity (sodium hydroxide) storage and feed facilities. Retrofit of existing solids contact tanks to convert to bio-floc tanks New primary effluent pump station New grit facility Utility water improvements and expansion of the 3W system including new hypochlorite storage and feed facilities, new filtration supply submersible pumps installed in an existing wetwell, addition of a third pressure filter bank, and new 3W distribution pumps. Site paving Expanded secondary clarifier flow splitting structure consisting of isolation gates and a cutthroat flume. New plant piping Demolition of the existing West Trickling Filter Demolition (or partial demolition) and modification of the influent box at the North Vacuator. Improvements to the Site Waste Pump Station including new pumps and concrete rehabilitation/coatings Modification of the existing Primary Influent Distribution Structure (PIDS) to install a new piping penetration from the new grit facility, along with coatings repairs for the flumes and new coatings for the influent channel. A drawing showing proposed plant improvements and modifications is included on the Citys website (https://hayward-ca.gov/content/wpcf-nutrient-management-phase-ii-improvements). Select preliminary design drawings are included in Attachment B. Items labeled at the website as Solids Master Planning and Energy Recovery and Optimization are not included in the RFP scope. The opinion of probable construction cost estimated for the Phase II Project is estimated to be $182 million with a range of accuracy corresponding to a Class 4 estimate of -30% to +50% or between $128 and $273 million (preliminary design (30%) complete stage). All questions must be submitted to the Question & Answer portal within the Citys project posting by 5:00 pm Tuesday, November 28, 2023. This will allow sufficient time for any addenda to be issued by the City to all bidders. Question Response Deadline: December 8, 2023, 5:00pm The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time. The opinion of probable construction cost estimated for the PE EQ Tanks is estimated to be $27 million with a range of accuracy corresponding to a Class 4 estimate of -30% to +50% or between $15 and $32 million (preliminary design (30%) complete stage). Preliminary drawings are included in Attachment B.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Demolition, LEED Certification, New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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January 6, 2025


To Be Determined, Hayward, CA

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