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Published July 18, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Portland, Maine. Working plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.
As of 7/18/2024 The project has been cancelled. No further information available at this time. Solicitation (QSP/IFB) #: B24007 Date Posted on the System: 06/12/2024 04:01 PM Agency: Portland Housing Authority Main Commodity/Service Category: Construction and Rehabilitation Services Sub Commodity/Service Description: Kennedy Park Exterior Wall & Bathroom Rehabilitation Buyer Name: Heather Kaufman Buyer Phone Number: 207-221-8087 Buyer Fax Number: Buyer E-mail: Delivery of Purchased Items or Services Name: Kelly Michaels Location: Facilities Department Address: 117 Anderson Street City: Portland State: ME Zip Code: 04101 Phone Number: 207-221-8045 Fax Number: E-mail: SCOPE OF WORK/TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. The Agency is seeking bids from qualified and licensed entities to provide the Agency with the following detailed construction services: 2.1 General Scope of Work. The work shall consist of, as outlined herein and detailed within 9.0 Attachment H, to perform the required construction work on the exterior wall and bathroom rehabilitation at 19 Kennedy Park, Portland, ME 04101. 2.2 Contractor Responsibilities (in alpha order). 2.2.1 Access for Emergency Vehicles. The Contractor shall ensure that any equipment and/or vehicles that he/she places on the work site shall not be placed in such a position to interfere with access by any emergency vehicles or traffic by the public at-large. The Agency reserves the right to approve or reject (and demand the movement) of the placement of any such equipment or vehicles at any time during the performance of the contracted work if, in the opinion of the Agency, the placement of such equipment or vehicles does interfere with such traffic. 2.2.2 As-built Record Documents. Do not use Record Documents for construction purposes; protect from loss in a secure location; provide access to Record Documents for the Agency's reference. If issued, maintain a clean, undamaged set of blue or black line white prints of Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings. Mark up these drawings to show the actual installation. Mark whichever drawing is most capable of showing conditions accurately. Give particular attention to concealed elements that would be difficult to measure and record at a later date. 2.2.3 Build America, Buy America (BABA) Act Requirements. By receipt of a contract award, it shall be the responsibility of the successful bidder to agree, certify, and eventually show proof that the work and products provided and installed by the contractor are in full compliance with the requirements of the noted Act. More information can be obtained at the following link: 2.2.4 Communication. The Agency shall be the primary on-site point of contact for the Contractor pertaining to this work. The Contractor shall be free to converse and communicate with the Agency during or between visits; however, all requests for changes or decisions shall be submitted to the Agency and approved by the Agency representative and/or the architectural engineer after receipt and consideration of written request from the Agency. The Agency anticipates that it will typically make a decision in such matters within 3 workdays of receipt, though such response timeframe may be shorter or longer depending on the situation; accordingly, the Contractor shall be required to submit such written requests in as timely a manner as reasonably possible. When construction commences, all communication must be directed to the designated Agency contact person only. 2.2.5 Contract End Items. Upon completion of the project the Contractor must submit the following: A separate payment request for the retainage; A one-year warranty letter from the Contractor; Consent of Surety to Final Payment; Contractor's Affidavit of Release of Liens; Contractor's Certificate and Release; and As- built's (Mark-ups delivered to Agency). 2.2.6 Contractor's Request for Payment. As detailed within Chapter 9, Procurement and Contract Administration, of Handbook 7485.1. The Agency is responsible for making progress payments. Typically, progress payments for acceptable work and materials delivered and stored on the site will be made at 30-day intervals. Payment will be based on the percentage of work completed during a one-month period. A 10% retainage will be held on each payment request. A separate payment request for the return of the retainage will be required at the completion of the work. Request for Payment Forms. The Contractor shall submit a request for payment for this project on the following forms, each as may be appropriate: Review and Approval. The Agency will review each such Contractor request for payment and will approve the payment only if the following listed conditions are met. If the Contractor requests payment items which have not been completed in a satisfactory manner ("satisfactory," as determined at the sole discretion of the Agency), the Agency shall hold payment for the unsatisfactory items, and pay the balance of the request (i.e., the undisputed portion). The Agency shall ensure: The request for payment is consistent with the Agency-approved schedule of amounts for contract payments; and, As further detailed within the preceding Section herein, the total of the request for payment does not include the amount to be retained by the Agency under the contract (retention or retainage); and, The work covered by the request for payment has been performed in accordance with the construction documents; and, The Periodic Estimate for Partial Payment has been properly executed on all applicable supporting documentation submitted; and, The Contractor has submitted all required reports such as payroll reports. Distribution of Documents. The Contractor shall submit 2 original copies and 1 additional copy of all documentation required. The Agency shall retain the 2 original Periodic Estimate for Partial Payment requests and all applicable supporting documentation for its file and return 1 copy of all such forms to the Contractor. 2.2.7 Debris. The Contractor shall clean work areas daily, at the end of the workday, of all work-generated debris which may endanger the safety of the others (the public; Agency residents; etc.). All work areas must be kept sanitary and clean of any trash. Debris from work must be removed from living areas. The Contractor must examine the work area and determine any unsuitable work condition. Any required removal or replacement of this work caused by unsuitable conditions will be just cause for the Contractor to bear the expense. Notice of unsuitable conditions shall be brought to the Agency's representative in written form. The Contractor shall provide a construction dumpster as needed to dispose and removal all debris. The use of the Agency dumpsters is prohibited. 2.2.8 Delivery of Materials. The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall inspect the site and determine the availability of storage space and trucking facilities to bring material or equipment into the building, or any other factors affecting the work under this Contract. Long lead items should be ordered as soon as possible, after contracts are signed, to expedite shop drawings and delivery of materials to site. Advance planning will be important to ensure timely delivery of materials. 2.2.9 Final Inspection and Punch List. The Agency shall provide one (1) final inspection site visit to develop the final Punch List when the following are completed: All new construction and installations are 100% complete and operational. A test and balance report has been completed and delivered to the Agency for review. All final inspections and permits have been closed and delivered to the Agency and Agency. When the Contractor has completed all the required work and feels substantial completion has been achieved, the Contractor must document and request a final inspection and punch list be performed by the Agency. This will document the one (1) final inspection and punch list by the Agency. When the Contractor has completed all the punch list items, the Contractor shall document and request a final re-inspection by the Agency. The Agency will provide a one (1) final site visit for re-inspection of the punch list items. If the Agency feels the punch list items have not been completed satisfactorily, notice will be given to the Contractor. All punch list items must be completed at the time of substantial and final acceptance. If the final punch list items are not complete at the time of the final the retainage will be withheld until final acceptance by the Agency. 2.2.10 Lay-out and Dimensions. The Contractor and each Subcontractor shall verify, and field check, all plan dimensions, elevations, and quantities on both the existing building and the new work under their respective responsibilities before proceeding with work. Discrepancies must be brought to the attention of the Agency in writing for clarification or correction. Any Contractor failing to exercise such precautions shall be held responsible for the cost of correcting any resulting errors. 2.2.11 Maintenance Manuals (if applicable). Organize maintenance data into sets of manageable size. Bind in individual heavy duty 2 inch, 3 ring vinyl covered binders, with pocket folders for folded sheet information. Mark identification on front and spine of each binder. Include the following information: Maintain Emergency instructions; Spare parts list; Copies of warranties; Wiring diagrams; Recommended "turn around" cycles; Inspection procedures; and Shop Drawings and Product Data. 2.2.12 Operating and Maintenance Instructions. Arrange for the installer of equipment that requires regular maintenance to meet with the Owner's personnel to provide instruction in proper operation and maintenance. Include a detailed review of the following: Maintenance manuals; Spare parts and materials; Tools; Lubricants; Control sequences; Hazards; Warranties and bonds; Maintenance agreements and similar continuing commitments; Start up and shutdown; Emergency operations; Noise and vibration adjustments; and Safety procedures. 2.2.13 "Or Equal" Specifications. Herein, or within the attached specifications, whenever the Agency has listed a specific brand name the words "or equal" shall automatically apply thereto. This term "or equal" means that the apparent successful bidder may propose to provide an alternate product as long as such proposed alternate product, in the opinion of the Agency, meets the minimum specifications. As detailed within Section 9.3.B.3 of HUD Procurement Handbook 7460.8 REV 2, brand names are listed herein for "establishing design and quality standards" for the product identified. If a bidder wishes to provide a different product than the product the Agency has identified, the Agency will be pleased to respond to any specific written request from a bidder with a listing of the "essential characteristics" for any such product (the bidder may also, if he/she wishes, wait to see if the firm is the apparent successful bidder then submit such written request after the bid submittal deadline when the Agency will evaluate such alternate products, if submitted). 2.2.14 Payroll Reports. The Contractor shall, during the term of the work, within 7 days of the end of any weekly payroll period, forward to the Agency a copy of the weekly payroll. The Contractor is hereby made aware that the Agency will conduct periodic on-site wage surveys of the Contractor's staff working at the site. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that such work staff cooperate fully with the Agency interviewer. Relating to such interviews, please also see form HUD-11 (08/2004), Attachment G-13, attached hereto. 2.2.15 Permits. The Contractor shall obtain any and all required permits pertaining to any assigned work at his/her expense. 2.2.16 Required Licensing. The Contractor(s) shall be in possession of any current appropriate licensing that may be required by the Cumberland County (and/or, if applicable, any city jurisdiction therein in which work will be performed) and/or the State of Maine. 2.2.17 Retainage. Retainage for this work shall be in the amount of 10 percent, which shall be applied to each payment until final payment, at which time all retainage held will be paid by the Agency to the Contractor. 2.2.18 Safety. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure, at all times during the performance of the work, to the maximum extent feasible, to protect the safety of Agency residents and staff, the Contractor's staff, and subcontractors, and the public. This shall include, but not be limited to, compliance with all OSHA-related Federal and local laws, codes, and regulations. 2.2.19 Security during Work. The Contractor shall take all means necessary to maintain the security of the area in which they are working. These security measures must be carried out on a twenty-four-hour basis, not just during the normal work hours. 2.2.20 Site Assessment. The Contractor and contracted subcontractors are strongly encouraged to examine the project site before submitting a bid. A Pre-bid Conference and walk-through is scheduled as noted within the preceding Table No. 2 herein. Due to the complexity of the project attendance is strongly encouraged, although not mandatory. Additional site visits after the Pre-bid Conference may be scheduled. The Contractor must contact the Agency Contact Person listed within the preceding Table No. 2 herein to schedule a site visit. Allow a minimum of three (3) business days to schedule an appointment. Unscheduled visits are prohibited. 2.2.21 Temporary Facilities. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to provide any temporary facilities that may be required, including, but not limited to temporary toilets; water; fencing; barricades; lighting; planking; signage; guardrails; etc. Accordingly, it shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to secure and maintain such items during the term of the work. 2.2.22 Time of Completion. The Contractor shall commence work under the ensuing contract on a date to be specified within the Notice to Proceed (NTP) form issued by the Agency and shall fully complete all work thereunder within 120 calendar days of execution of the NTP. NOTE: Any bidder that may have any concerns pertaining to the noted time of completion may bring this up at the Pre-bid Conference. Normal working hours shall be Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM ET. All other working hours require pre-approval. Provide a minimum of five (5) working days for approval and planning. 2.2.23 Tools/Equipment/Materials. The Contractor shall ensure that at all times during the work tools, equipment, and material are handled, placed, and stored in a secure and safe manner so as to protect all parties, including, but not limited to, the Contractor's workers, Agency tenants and staff, and the public at large. The Contractor shall ensure that during non-working hours such items are not left unattended on the job site when such safety may be compromised. If applicable, as the building the Contractor will be working in is occupied by housing tenants, including a number of elderly/disabled or special needs persons, it will be especially important that traffic areas are clear for access and egress. 2.2.24 Weekends. Unless otherwise approved by the Agency in writing, the Contractor shall not perform work on Agency property during a holiday nor weekend days (Saturday or Sunday). 2.2.25 Work Standards. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ensure that each worker provided by the Contractor shall be fully trained and qualified to provide any assigned work. Accordingly, all work provided shall be guaranteed by the Contractor to be performed in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with all applicable laws, codes, and/or regulations, including those issued by, but not limited to, the Cumberland County (and/or, if applicable, any city jurisdiction therein in which work will be performed), and/or the State of Maine, or any applicable Federal Agency. Smoking is prohibited within the building and within the building property boundaries. A performance and payment bond for 100% of the contract price; or Separate payment and performance bonds each for 50% or more of the contract price; or, A 20% cash escrow; or, A 25% irrevocable letter of credit. Project has been cancelled.
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Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields
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19 Kennedy Park, Portland, ME
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