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Published November 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to a water / sewer project in Ashland, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the addition of a water / sewer project; for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of October 7, 2024 project has not been awarded,Anticipated award is by the end of October.** Ashland WRRF Expansion and Improvements Generator and Automatic Transfer Switches. Bidders Shall Comply With 40 Cfr 31.36, Which Includes but is Not Limited to the Following: (1) the President's Executive Order 11246 (Equal Employment Opportunity) as Amended, Which Prohibits Discrimination in Employment Regarding Race, Creed, Color, Sex, or National Origin, (2) Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (3) the Anti Kickback Act, and (4) the Contract Work Hours Standards Act. This Process Allows Ashland to: 1. Select the Vendor Such That Fi Nal Design Can Be Completed Around One Vendor as Each Vendor's Equipment Off Ers Diff Ering Installation Requirements for Piping, Electrical, Control, Mounting, Dimensions for Structures, Etc., Thus Providing the Construction Con Tractor With a Better Defi Ned Project Equating to a More Competitive Bid for Buyer. 2. Establish Fi Xed and Known Cost of the Equipment Through Competitive Proposal. 3. Establish an Agreement With a Vendor That Will Start During Design and Last Though the Warranty Period. 4. Provide a Mechanism to Authorize a Vendor to Begin Working With Buyer and Its Engineer to Provide Shop Drawings and Assistance During Design. Provide Vendor an Opportunity to Work Closely With the Construction Contract Bidders During the Bid Process to Provide a Clear Understanding of the Equipment Being Provided and the Installation Requirements. 5. Having Shop Drawings, Submittal, and Equipment Specifi Cations Completed in Parallel to Bidding the Construction Project Will Reduce Lead Times of Equipment Delivery. 6. Establish Future Maintenance and Operating Cost for a Given Time Period So That Buyer May Better Forecast Expenses. Contract Award Shall Be Made to the Lowest Responsive, Responsible Bidder as Determined Through an Evaluated Bid. Evaluation Shall Be as Detailed in the Enclosed Scoring Matrix. The Bid must be accompanied by Bid security made payable to BUYER in an amount of 5% of the Bidder's maximum Bid price. The City of Ashland reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any technicality, and to accept any Bid which it deems advantageous. All Bids shall remain subject to acceptance for 90 days after the time set for receiving Bids. BUYER is requesting Bids from interested manufacturers, vendors, or suppliers to furnish all components required to provide complete and operable Generator and Automatic Transfer Switches, associated work items, warranty, and spare parts for the Ashland Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF). Ashland intends to enter into an Agreement with the Bidder of the selected System that will allow Ashland to brand name specify the System in the construction contracts it intends to award in 2025 to a general contractor through a competitive Bid. PROJECT SCOPE A. SELLER shall provide all items, articles, materials, or services mentioned or scheduled on the Drawings or herein specified: including all labor, supervision, equipment, incidentals, taxes and permits necessary to provide the Goods and Special Services as described within the Contract Documents. B. The Work consists of supply of the standby power system as described in Section 26 32 13-Standby Power System and automatic transfer switches as specified in Section 26 36 23-Automatic Transfer Switches, including submittals, equipment, start-up and commissioning services, spare parts, and coordination with the construction contractor before and during installation. C. The Work shall be performed such that BUYER's Water Resource Recovery Facility shall remain in operation throughout the project. This includes being able to receive all incoming flow and meeting discharge effluent permit levels. Manufacturer shall coordinate with the construction contractor and ENGINEER to develop a sequence to facilitate BUYER's facility to remain in operation All questions about the meaning or intent of the Bidding Documents are to be submitted to ENGINEER in writing. Interpretations or clarifications considered necessary by ENGINEER in response to such questions will be issued by Addenda mailed or delivered to all parties recorded by Issuing Office as having received the Bidding Document All requests for interpretation must be received at least five days prior to the day set for receiving Bids. Addenda will be issued not later than three days prior to the day set for receiving Bids. Failure of any Bidder to receive any such Addendum or interpretation shall not relieve such Bidder from any obligations under the Bid as submitted. All Addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents Question Deadline 07/05/2024 All bids rejected, Project will be rebid.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Scrapyard Rd, Ashland, KY

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