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Published June 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Dexter, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Description RFP Wylie Kitchen Walk-In Cooler and Freezer Unit THE WORK INCLUDES: Installation of a new cooler/freezer walk-in unit in the same footprint of the existing unit. Removal of existing unit will be completed prior to installation WORK INCLUDES Except for those items (if any) specifically noted to be excluded as defined below, the work of this bid category shall include all of the work and contract requirements according to Division 1 complete, including all bid requirements, contract documents; general and supplemental conditions, and Division 1 General Requirements. Should any conflict exist between this written scope of work and the scope of work inferred by the Division 1 General Requirements or the technical specifications listed below, the work required by this bid category description shall govern. Also Includes: 1. COORDINATION: Provide continuous coordination with the Owner's representative to keep them advised of your planning and work daily. Advise of any issues, concerns, material supply matters, schedule progress, work quantity and quality. Cell calls and zoom meetings are acceptable when offsite. Owner's rep will visit site daily while work is underway. 2. LAYOUT: Provide all layout, control points and engineering required for work of this category. 3. PRIME CONTRACT RESPONSIBILITY: Provide all labor, tools, equipment incidental hardware and materials required to receive, unload, store, install and protect work of this category. The contract is for a prime contract, there are NO other trade contracts being solicited by or provided by the Owner. The prime contractor shall provide all work shown or specified or otherwise required for a fully functional system. 4. SUBMITTALS: Submit within fourteen (14) days of receipt of Letter of Intent or contract all submittal information. 5. CLEAN UP: Provide continuous debris and trash removal and clean up. The site must be left clean, safe and secure every day before the Contractor's crews leave the site. Failure to perform this scope item will result in the Owner cleaning up on overtime rates and deduction all costs from contracts funds due. 6. SCHEDULE: Bidders shall be aware of delivery requirements to accommodate the completion schedule of this project and shall include all expediting and overtime costs to allow for substantial completion and turnover before August 1, 2024 suitable for safe use and final completion before August 15, 2024. It is the Bidder's responsibility to prepare and submit shop drawings and other submittals in a timely manner to accommodate the milestone and progress schedule and prevent delays to the project. The Contractor shall plan to allow the Owner up to ten (10) calendar days to review and return submittals. 7. EXISTING CONDITIONS: Inspect the site before proposing on the work. Inspect the site again two weeks prior to equipment arrival to verify conditions are in place as required to start your work or agreed to be provided by others. Meet with Owner during this inspection visit. Provide specific written list of observed deficiencies to assure work site is ready when equipment arrives. THE WORK: Provide all work shown or specified. 8. Provide replacement and installment of existing walk-in cooler and freezer. Ensure that all connections, drainage, and temperature control are functioning properly. Advise the Owner in writing of any deficiencies found. 9. Provide warranty that the walk-in unit(s) will perform as shown and for the expected useful life of the unit. 10. Proceed with base bid conditions unless Owner issues a written change order for any desired add alternates Pre-bid Questions Deadline JUNE 20, 2024 4:00 PM




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Multiple Locations, Dexter, MI

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