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Published August 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Covington, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Sport Courts Pioneer Park and Middleton Mills Park BID BOND A Bid Bond amounting to five (5%) percent of the proposed bid/proposal price must be provided with the response. The Bid Bond may be in the form of a surety bond, cashier check or other form of surety satisfactory to the county attorney. If the contract is awarded to the bonded bidder, the bidder will accept the contract as bid, or else the surety will pay the Fiscal Court a specific amount because of default on part of the bidder. PERFORMANCE BOND A Performance Surety Bond amounting to one hundred (100%) percent of the Contract price must be provided prior to execution of the contract assuring Kenton County that the project will be pursued with due diligence and completed according to the plans and specifications. This requirement may also be met by a letter of credit. WORKERS' COMPENSATION A Workers Compensation certificate shall accompany all bidding documents as proof of payment. Kenton County may request proof of Certification at such other times during the life of the Contract as it deems necessary PURPOSE The Kenton County Fiscal Court (KCFC) is requesting proposals from qualified companies to provide design and construction services for the sport courts at Pioneer & Middleton-Mills Park. Background: The tennis and basketball courts at Pioneer Park are located at 3952 Madison Pike, Covington, KY 41017. Currently, the area consists of two (2) tennis courts and two (2) full basketball courts. Fencing is located around the tennis court area and partially around the basketball courts. The attached map and pictures illustrate the area where the facilities are located. The basketball courts at Middleton-Mills Park are located at 3415 Madison Pike, Covington, KY 41015. Currently, the area consists of two (2) full basketball courts without fencing around the sport court area. The attached map and pictures illustrate the area where the facilities are located. KCFC reserves the right to proceed with the development of the courts at a single location if it deems appropriate based on project evaluation and available resources. Scope of Work: The winning bidder or contractor will be responsible for this project. The contractor shall furnish all materials, all labor, tools, supplies and equipment to complete the work in accordance with the Plans, Specifications and/or Addenda pertaining to the construction of all-weather sport courts and including the sport court base, asphalt leveling and asphalt surface courses, net post, center anchor, and sport court net installations, acrylic resurfacer applications, acrylic color coat applications, and installation of the sport court playing lines. Design: This project will be a design-build style project, as detailed construction plans are not available. The Contractor shall design and re-construct the court area as follows: Pioneer Park is to include a minimum of four (4) pickleball courts, one (1) tennis court and two (2) full basketball courts. The potential maximum area or border for the proposed sport court could expand to 185 ft. x 125 ft. Fencing will be needed around the tennis and pickleball courts and the backside of the basketball courts. Middleton-Mills Park is to include a minimum of two (2) pickleball courts and one (1) full basketball court using the footprint of the current court area measuring 122 ft. x 86 ft. Fencing will be needed around the pickleball courts. Additionally, the project includes the installation of fencing around the courts. At Pioneer Park, fencing will be needed around the tennis and pickleball courts and the backside of the basketball courts. At Middleton-Mills Park, fencing will be needed around the pickleball courts. Questions: Any questions regarding this Request for Proposal should be directed to the Purchasing Agent in writing by email to: Holly.hill@kentoncounty.org All questions must be received by 2:00PM on June 19, 2024. Inquiries received after 2:00PM on June 19, 2024 will not receive responses. All questions must be submitted in writing. Responses to all questions will be answered and posted on our website

Bid Results

Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Multiple Locations, Covington, KY

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