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Saving Project...

Published July 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Granite City, Illinois. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

City/County Madison Description:1. Mobilization/demobilization - 1 Each 2. Remove, Disassemble Track, Neatly Stockpiling Salvageable Materials, Properly Disposing Scrap Materials - 4404 Tf 3. Clear, Grub Right of Way, Seed, Fertilize and Mulch Disturbed Surfaces Not Covered in Aggregate, Develop, Document and Maintain Features Required to Control Erosion - 1 Lsum 4. Excavate Materials to Design Cross Sections (Ballast and in One Area Subballast) Properly Disposing of the Materials Excavated and Compacting the Excavated Surface - 2,700 Cuyd 5. Furnish, Place and Compact Subballast (Idot Ca6) Pursuant to the Design Cross Section (Two Areas), Furnishing and Placing a Woven Geotextile Fabric Between the Common Embankment Material And the Subballast - 800 Nt 6. Furnish Rail, Transition Rails, Cross Ties, Conventional and Curve Block Tie Plates, Spikes, Fasteners, Anchors, on-woven Geotextile Fabric and Properly Construct and Destress Track Including 9'0" Timbers Through the at Grade Vehicle Crossing Surfaces and Approaches to the Crossing Surfaces - 4,089 Tf 7. Provide Traffic Barricades, Mill Existing Pavement, Remove, Properly Dispose of Existing Pavement And Crossing Surface, (Remove Track and Ballast, Compact Excavated Surface, Construct/surface Track Separate Pay Items) Furnish and Place Perforated Drainage Pipes, Furnish Materials, Properly Construct Rubber Flangeway and Asphalt Crossing Surface - 88 Tf 8. Realign/shift Existing Track Adjusting for Temperature, Includes the Site Preparation Required to Properly Place and Ballast the Track, 50% Tie Renewal Included in Separate Pay Item - 400 Tf 9. Furnish Materials and Replace Cross Ties Through Rehabilitated, Shifted and Realigned Track, Properly Disposing of the Scrap Ties - 460 Each 10. Furnish Materials, Rehabilitate No. 10 Turnout, Furnish and Place Heavy Duty Switch Point Protector and Walkway Ballast (Nh-01) - 1 Each 11. Furnish Materials, Rehabilitate No. 9 Turnout, Furnish and Place Heavy Duty Switch Point Protector and Walkway Ballast (Nh-3) - 1 Each 12. Furnish Materials, Rehabilitate No. 8 Turnout, Furnish and Place Heavy Duty Switch Point Protector and Walkway Ballast (Nh-05) - 1 Each 13. Furnish Materials, Construct and Place Arema No. 9 Turnout With Heavy Duty Switch Point Protector, Transition Rails and Non-woven Geotextile Fabric and Walkway Ballast (Nh-02 and 04) - 2 Each 14. Furnish, Unload and Distribute Ballast for New Track Construction Meeting Arema #4a Values (Granite/trap Rock) - 6,200 Nt 15. Surface, Line and Dress Track and Turnouts - 6,600 Tf 16. Insurance, Permits, Bonds and Approved Track Safety Flagging Services - 1 Lsum Project Location: Granite City North Harbor, Granite City, IL Proposals requiring prequalification of bidders will be issued only to those contractors who are qualified with the Department of Transportation. ILDOT - Reconstruct the a Lead, Reconnect and Rehabilitate the a Siding Bid Resulst : Phase 1 scope RailWorks $2,137,292.00 Phase 2 scope RailWorks $823,142.00


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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To Be Determined, Granite City, IL

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