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Site work for a water / sewer project in Harbeson, Delaware. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The project includes the replacement of the tipping floor trench drain at the Route 5 Transfer Station. The work includes, but is not limited to, the demolition, removal, and replacement of the existing tipping floor trench drain. Additional information and details regarding the scope of work are included in the Project Manual. DSWA may extend the time and place for the opening for Bids by providing at least two (2) calendar days notice by certified mail, fax, or email to any Bidders who DSWA has recorded as having received a copy of the RFB. If the Bid is submitted by mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope containing the Bid shall be enclosed in a separate envelope plainly marked on the outside with the notation Bid Enclosed. Bids delivered by any means other than by mail or personal delivery shall be rejected. Each Bid, in excess of $200,000, shall be accompanied by a certified check or surety company bid bond, drawn to the order of the Delaware Solid Waste Authority on the form provided in the Project Manual and in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total bid price as a guarantee that if the Bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and the performance thereby properly secured. Additional information regarding bid security appears in the Project Manual. The BIDDER must submit, with its BID, documentation indicating it is licensed to conduct business in the State of Delaware and BIDDER must meet and comply with all state, local, and federal laws, regulations, ordinances, and requirements in the scope of their Work and comply with any and all licensing and permitting requirements. All subcontractors used by the BIDDER must be licensed to conduct business in the State of Delaware prior to conducting any work on-site. DSWA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids which in its judgment is in the best interest of DSWA, and to waive any irregularities or informalities in the Bid or Bid process, and all BIDDERS are notified that such acceptance or rejection or waiver shall be without liability on the part of DSWA for any action brought against DSWA, any or all of its directors, or any DSWA agent, officer or employee, brought by any BIDDER because of such acceptance or rejection or waiver, nor shall any Bidder seek any recourse of any kind against such entity or individuals because of such acceptance or rejection or waiver. All other inquiries regarding this work shall be directed to: Mike Lenkiewicz and Simone George TITLE: Facility Manager/ Project Manager Administrative Assistant Phone: 302-284-8851 Phone: 302-739-5361 Fax: 302-284-8136 Fax: 302-739-4287 Email: Email: 656955 DSN 6/16,23/2024 07/12/2024 All questions about the meaning or intent of this Project Manual shall be directed, in writing, to DSWA to Michael Lenkiewicz, and also shall be copied to Simone George, In order to receive consideration, OWNER must receive questions by 2:00 p.m. at least eleven (11) calendar days prior to the Bid due date. BIDDER must provide a valid, legible and accurate email address by emailing the same to Michael Lenkiewicz, and also shall be copied to Simone George, in writing. Time shall be of the essence as to the requirements set forth in this paragraph.

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work





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