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Published August 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Madisonville, Tennessee. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

It is the intent of this bid to procure a contract for the pumping of the wastewater and grease trap pumping for the Monroe County Board of Education. To be considered, your bid must be submitted on the copy of this Invitation to Bid. Bidders shall sign this form in the space provided and submit bid document to Monroe County Department of Finance, I 03 College Street South Ste. 9, Madisonville, TN 37354. Bids shall be returned in the enclosed bid envelope, properly completed and sealed. Bids will not be accepted via fax machine or e-mail. Time is of the essence and bids received after the announced time and date for submittal, whether by mail or otherwise, will be rejected. The date and time stamp in the Finance Department shall determine the time of receipt. Bidders are responsible for ensuring that the Finance Department personnel stamp their bids before the deadline indicated. Late bids received will be so noted in the bid file in order that the vendor's name will not be removed from any future bid/vendor list. Scope of Bid for Board of Education 1. Provide all labor, tools, and material to pump 11 (eleven) grease traps located at schools throughout Monroe County. It is the intention of Monroe County Board of Education to establish a contract with a qualified supplier for removal of waste water and grease who can meet our specifications, terms, and conditions as specified herein. 2. The approximate gallons of grease and waste water to be removed for 2024/2025 school year is 207,000 gallons. 3. It is expected that the successful bidder will pump out every unit five times per year in the following months: January, March, May, September, and November. 4. The successful bidder will be asked to pump septic tanks located in the county. This will be on an as needed basis and not part of this bid. Fees for septic tank pumping will be negotiated at the time of service. General Requirements The successful bidder must: 1. Provide manifests of amount of removal per unit. 2. Pump ALL waste water and grease from grease traps. 3. Clean walls and bottoms of grease traps. 4. Provide all applicable equipment and personnel to clean and remove grease and waste water from grease traps. 5. Assure removal will be in accordance to all laws, rules, and regulations of the State of Tennessee, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, The Environmental Protection Agency, and all Municipal Codes in towns where grease traps are located. 6. Work in cooperation with school personnel. All pumping will be worked around the school schedule. NO PUMPING WILL BE ALLOWED ON WEEKENDS WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT. 7. Understand that all pumping must be completed within 10 (ten) working days each month. 8. A single invoice for each pump/cleaning cycle will be provided to the county with a line item for each grease trap and will include the number of gallons pumped from each trap. School Sites and Tank Sizes 1. Rural Vale School - 3000 gallons 2. Tellico Elementary - 1500 gallons 3. Tellico Jr. High - 1500 gallons 4. Tellico High - 1500 gallons 5. Madisonville Primary - 3000 gallons 6. Madisonville Middle - 2000 gallons 7. Madisonville Intermediate 1500 gallons 8. Sequoyah High - 1000 gallons 9. Vonore Elementary - 1500 gallons 10. Vonore Middle - 3000 gallons 11. Sweetwater High - 1000 gallons If additional information is necessary to enable a vendor to make an interpretation of the specifications, email such questions to casey.raper@monroetn.gov. Only questions submitted by email will be answered


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Wastewater and Grease Trap Pumping

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