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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000272535 Question Acceptance Deadline 2024/06/21 03:00:00 PM EDT Pricing Lump sum The Geotechnical Consultant Will Complete the Following Scope of Services: 1. Investigations A. Boreholes to Be Located in a 30m X 30m Grid Across the Aef and Fsb Buildings Site (See Appendix a). Bore to Depth as Required by Geotechnical Engineer, but Not Less Than the Following: I. 75% of Holes to a Minimum Depth of 10 M (33 Ft.) Below Existing Grade Uniformly Spread Across Specified Area. Ii. 25% of Holes to a Minimum Depth of 15 M (50 Ft.) Below Existing Grade Unless Rock is Encountered, Uniformly Spread Across the Specified Area. Iii. Seismic Cone Penetration Tests (Scpt) or Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (Masw) Test as Determined by the Geotechnical Engineer to a Minimum Depth of 30 M (100 Ft). Iv. If Rock is Encountered, Bore 2 M (7 Ft) Minimum Into It in the Area of the Aef and Fsb Buildings as Shown on Appendix a. B. Complete Dynamic Cone Penetration Tests (Dcp), to Adequately Understand the Bearing Capacities Sufficient to Support the Building Expansion. 2. Provide 1 Electronic Copy of the Draft Report to Colliers Project Leaders for Review and Comment. Within 1 Week of Receipt of Comments From the Project Manager, Provide a Final Electronic Report. Report to Include (but Not Be Limited to) the Following: A. A Detailed Description of the Soil Investigation, Including Details of the Method of Soil Boring Used, a Description of the General Geology of the Area and a Drawing Showing the Actual Location and Elevation of the Dynamic Cone Penetration Tests and Boreholes. B. Summarize the Results of All Relevant Dynamic Cone Penetration Tests. C. Any Special Conditions or Irregularities. D. Recommended Types of Foundation for Proposed Aef and Fsb and Their Design Capacity. Discussion of the Relative Merits of the Different Types of Foundations, Having Regard for the Nature of the Overburden and the Condition of the Bearing Stratum. Include Allowable Bearing and Uplift Values and Other Criteria for the Foundation. E. Seismic Properties: I. Provide the Site Classification and Average Shear Wave Velocity (Vs30) for All Proposed or Potential Bearing Materials for the Building in Question, as Defined in O. Reg. 332/12; and, Ii. Potential for Liquefaction. F. Recommendations for Slabs-on-grade: I. Depth of Soil to Be Removed to Obtain Stable Subgrade for Slab on Grade Without Deleterious Settlement. Ii. Modulus of Subgrade Reaction for Slab on Grade Design. Iii. If Depth of Topsoil Has Not Been Determined by Digging Test Pit, Comment on Reliability of Depth Recorded. Iv. Drainage Under Slab on Grade. V. Vapour and Moisture Barrier Requirements Under Slab on Grade. G. Recommendations for Basement Walls: I. Recommended Lateral Pressure and Pressure Distribution for Design of Basement Walls. Ii. Recommendations for Backfill and Compaction Behind Wall, Including Whether Site Excavated Material May Be Used. H. Cantilever Concrete Retaining Walls: I. Recommended Coefficient of Sliding Friction at Base on Native Soil and on Engineered Fill. Ii. Recommended Pressure and Pressure Distribution From Retained Soil on High Grade Side of Wall. Iii. Recommendations With Respect to Any Soil Pressure and Its Distribution From Soil on Low Grade Side of Wall That May Be Used to Resist the Earth Pressure Against the Wall. Iv. Recommendations for Use of Shear Key at Bottom of Footing, and Resistance That May Be Mobilized by Such Key. V. Recommendations for Backfill and Compaction Behind Wall, Including Whether Site Excavated Material May Be Used. Vi. Recommendations for Drainage Behind Wall. Vii. Engineered Fill, if Required. I. Recommendations for Construction Related Requirements, Including, but Not Limited to: I. Anticipated Dewatering and Drainage; and Ii. Frost Protection. Iii. Any Special Construction Difficulties That May Be Encountered. Iv. Asphalt for Vehicles Transporting Animals J.Recommended Parameters for Perimeter and Under-floor Drainage. K. Recommendations for Backfill Materials, Compaction, and Slab-on-grade Construction. Suitability of Excavated Material as Backfill. 1. Recommendations for Site Grading and Engineered Fill M. Recommendations for Pavement Design (Light Duty and Heavy Duty Asphalt) for the Area Surrounding the Expaniosn. N. Recommendations for Rigid Pavement (Concrete Pavement) and Concrete Sidewalk Design (Concrete Depth and Sub-base Granular). 0. Recommendations on Infiltration Capacity of Soil. P. Recommendations on Backfill and Compaction for Site Services and Underground Utilities Contruction. Q. Possible Effects of Ground Water During Construction Based on Observations on Site. Official bid documents must be obtained from and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



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January 9, 2025


955 Oliver Rd, Thunder Bay, ON

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