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Published June 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000272485 The Contract work for this assignment shall consist of research, planning, policy and bylaw development, public and stakeholder engagement and project management to complete the Greenspace and Natural Corridors Plan Bylaw, the Biodiversity Policy and corresponding deliverables. The study area is city-wide and multifaceted. This includes vegetation on all lands within the City’s boundaries, irrespective of ownership, size and function. Some of the most significant greenspaces and natural areas in Winnipeg include, but are not limited to parks, school yards, golf courses (both public and private), waterway corridors, cemeteries, boulevards, stormwater retention and detention basins, utility corridors, natural areas, private lands, and urban tree canopies. The Deliverables required under this Contract shall consist of the following: (a) Creation of State of the Landscape Report as outlined in D7; (b) Creation of a Greenspace and Natural Corridors Plan By-law as outlined in D7.3(b); (c) Creation of a Biodiversity Policy as outlined in D8.7(b); (d) Creation of a Strategic Implementation Plan as outlined in D10; and (e) Engagement activities to inform the development of project deliverables as outlined in D11. The components of this consultant assignment shall demonstrate a clear understanding of City processes, regulatory and financial frameworks, capacity and limitations, ensuring the City of Winnipeg can succeed at achieving the intended outcomes. To support dialogue, understanding and eventual bylaw and policy adoption by City Council, the Consultant Team will lead a minimum of two (2) presentations or workshops with the appropriate Standing Policy Committee (SPC) and/or Council related to the State of the Landscape Report, the Greenspace and Natural Corridors Plan Bylaw, the Biodiversity Policy and the Strategic Implementation Plan. Council adoption of the work under this contract is anticipated to occur concurrently. Workshops, updates and presentations to the SPC and/or Council will be provided concurrently, where possible. The Consultant will be responsible for preparation and delivery of Council-ready versions of the State of the Landscape Report, the Greenspace and Natural Corridor Plan Bylaw, the Biodiversity Policy, and the Strategic Implementation Plan, in alignment with requirements described in D7-D11. The Consultant will be responsible for the preparation and delivery of a Council-ready version of the Greenspace and Natural Corridor Plan Bylaw, suitable for Council adoption as a Secondary Plan Bylaw. The Consultant will make representation at all public hearings prior to first reading of the Greenspace and Natural Corridor Bylaw as a Secondary Plan By-law by Council. Final publication of the State of the Landscape Report, the Greenspace and Natural Corridors Plan Bylaw, the Biodiversity Policy, the Strategic Implementation Plan, and all accompanying Appendices, to include provision of digital copies suitable for printing and digital platforms. The Services required under D6.3 shall be in accordance with the City’s Project Management Manual http://winnipeg.ca/infrastructure/asset-management-program/templates-manuals.stm#2 and templates http://winnipeg.ca/infrastructure/asset-management-program/templates- manuals.stm#4 . Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Consultant is being engaged by the City for its professional expertise; the Consultant shall bring to the Project Manager’s attention any aspect of the City’s Project Management Manual or templates which the Consultant is of the opinion is not consistent with good industry practice. Provide written monthly updates to the Project Manager. Status reports provided to the Project Manager, at a frequency determined by the Project Manager (no less than monthly) should include, but not be limited to: (i) Progress on tasks since previous report; (ii) Expected progress for the next period; (iii) Project schedule update; (iv) Project budget update; and (v) Identify potential problems, risks and concerns. D6.13 The funds available for this Contract are $500,000 (including all applicable taxes). Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


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January 29, 2025


Multiple Locations, Winnipeg, MB

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