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Site work for a water / sewer project in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

LA 3092 Roundabout Waterline Relocation Project Contract Documents will be available until twenty four (24) hours before the Bid Opening. Bids shall be accepted only from contractors who are licensed under LSA--R.S. 37:2150-2163 for the classification of Municipal and Public Works Construction. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of forty-five (45) days after receipt of bids, except under the provisions of LSA--R.S. 38:2214. The District/Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids for just cause as permitted by LA--R.S. 38:2214B. The ability of an entity to reject any bid is applicable only when administered in accordance with the Public Bid Law. In accordance with LSA--R.S. 38:2212B.(1), the provisions and requirements of this Section, and those stated in the bidding documents shall not be waived by any entity. Minority owned firm and small businesses are encouraged to participate. Any person with disabilities requiring special accommodations should contact the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury or the District. The intent of this Contract is to provide for construction and completion, in every detail, of the Work described. It is further intended that the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, equipment, tools, transportation, and supplies required to complete the Work in accordance with the plans, specifications, and terms of the Contract. This project generally consists of relocating approximately 1,323 LF of existing 12-inch PVC water line and appurtenances due to the planned construction of "Federal Project H.012052, State Project H.012052, LA3092: Gauthier Rd @ Lake St Roundabout, Calcasieu." The existing water line will be replaced by a 12-inch PVC and 14-inch HDPE water line. The project will generally include the following items of work: 1. Clearing and grubbing; 2. Removal and replacement of fencing; 3. Construction of a new water line and appurtenances by Open Cut and Horizontal Directional Drilling methods; 4. Construction of new water service lines including relocation of existing meter and backflow preventers and tying new service lines to existing service lines; 5. Grouting of existing water lines abandoned in-place; 6. Removal and salvage of existing fire hydrants; 7. Removal and salvage of existing cast iron water valve boxes; 8. Site grading and hydroseeding; 9. Pressure and leak testing of new water line and appurtenances; and 10. Disinfection of new water line and appurtenances


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work





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LA-3092, Lake Charles, LA

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