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Published August 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and road / highway.

For the Spring House Road Bridge Timber Guide Rail Replacement Project A Certified Check or Bid Bond drawn to the order of the West Pikeland Township in the amount equal to Ten percent (10%) of the amount of the Bid must be submitted with the proposal as Bid security. The project involves the removal, disposal and replacement of 98 linear feet of timber guide rail / guard protection, and 91 linear feet of timber guide rail on Spring House Road at the stream crossing. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a one hundred percent (100%) Performance Bond, and a one hundred percent (100%) Labor and Materials Payment Bond with an eighteen (18) month warranty within ten (10) days of the bid award, executed by a surety authorized to conduct business in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Bidders are advised that they must comply with all State anti-kickback regulations pertaining to work associated with this project . West Pikeland Township hereby reserves the right, which is understood and agreed to by all Bidders, to refuse any or all Bids submitted; and also reserves the right to waive any informality in Bids received, but any contract awarded will be to the lowest responsive, responsible Bidder. Except as otherwise provided by law, no Bidder may withdraw his Bid within sixty (60) consecutive calendar days after the actual date of opening thereof. Project Overview: The objective of this project is to remove and properly dispose of approximately 98 linear feet of timber guide rail/guard protection, and approximately 91 linear feet of timber guide rail on Spring House Road. Following the removal, an in-kind replacement of the existing structure-mounted timber guiderail will be carried out. The work includes utilizing existing galvanized bases anchored to the bridge and installing pressure-treated #1 dense southern yellow pine (S4S treated with .6 CCA). The posts shall be bevel topped and notched as existing. The contractor will reuse existing galvanized assembly bolts to the extent possible and replace any damaged or unsuitable bolts and brackets. Scope of Work: 1. Mobilization and Preparation: a. Conduct an on-site pre-construction meeting with the Township Engineer and Township Staff to review the project scope, safety protocols, and timelines. b. Mobilize equipment, materials, and personnel to the project site on Spring House Road. 2. Removal of Timber Guide Rail: a. Carefully remove 98 linear feet of timber guide rail/guard protection. b. Remove 91 linear feet of timber guide rail. c. Ensure that the removal process does not damage the surrounding environment or infrastructure. d. Carefully detach and preserve all brackets / hardware during the removal process. 3. Disposal of Materials: a. Transport and dispose of all removed timber guide rails and any other waste materials in accordance with local regulations and environmental guidelines. b. Provide documentation of proper disposal to the Township, if requested. 4. Inspection and Reuse of Components: a. Inspect all existing galvanized assembly bolts and brackets for any signs of damage or wear. b. Reuse existing galvanized bases anchored to the bridge. c. Identify and replace any bolts or brackets that are damaged or cannot be reused, ensuring all replacement materials meet the specified standards for durability and safety. 5. Procurement of New Materials: a. Procure pressure-treated #1 dense southern yellow pine, S4S treated with .6 CCA. b. Ensure that all new timber posts are bevel topped and notched to match the existing design. 6. In-Kind Replacement of Timber Guide Rail: a. Install new timber guide rails using the existing galvanized bases. b. Securely fasten the new timber posts with existing galvanized assembly bolts, replacing any damaged or unsuitable bolts as necessary. c. Ensure that the new installation matches the dimensions and appearance of the original structure. 7. Site Restoration: a. Restore the site to its original condition, ensuring that all debris and waste materials are cleared, and disturbed areas stabilized. b. Conduct a final inspection with the Township to ensure all work has been completed to satisfaction.

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Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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August 9, 2024


Springhouse Rd, Chester Springs, PA

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Spring House Road Bridge Timber Guide Rail Replacement Project

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