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Published June 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Remodeling and renovation of a military facility in Oak Harbor, Washington. Completed plans call for the remodel of a military facility.

Magnitude of Construction projects: Between $250,000 and $500,000. CLIN 0001- The stripper tank system was installed at building 2547, Fleet Readiness Center, between 2018 and 2019. Approximately one (1) year after installation the system began having trouble maintaining proper temperature of 186 degrees. Upon investigation, it was determined the steam heating system is not adequately removing the condensate at the higher temperature settings for proper equipment operation. The project intends to repair the stripper tank low temperature problems at building 2547 by installing a pneumatic condensate pump having a back pressure of 15 psig. Provide new pneumatic condensate pump to include associated piping, fittings, gauges, and valves in order to connect to the existing condensate return line. Upon completion of the repair, contractor will verify the condensate is being removed for proper operation. Contractor will perform a commissioning of the stripper tank system to verify the reconfiguration of the condensate line corrected the stripper tank temperature problems and is functioning as originally intended. CLIN 0002 - Replace in-kind existing nonfunctioning compressor motor located inside Building 386 (Hangar 5) CLIN 0003 - The elevators currently located at Building 2699, B410 and B2973 are ThyssenKrupp Elevators, installed in 2016 during a hangar 10 expansion remodel project. In early 2021, the original model AP18050 elevator hydraulic control valve failed and repaired with a Maxton UC2A B44 control valve installed in September 2021. The elevator serviced with 50 gallons of Citgo NZ petroleum-based biodegradable fluid and given a one-year guarantee for parts and labor. During a Planned Maintenance Interval (PM) in August of 2022, it was discovered that the control valve had failed due to breakdown of the petroleum-based biodegradable fluid from limited use. During the evaluation it was recommended to replace the hydraulic control valve and the 50 gallons of old biodegradable petroleum fluid to return the elevator back to an operational status. Remove and replace the elevator main hydraulic control valves and existing fluids for various elevators located throughout Building 2699, B410 and B2973. The contractor will provide all the, labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the replacement of the elevator hydraulic control valve. Contractor will ensure the system is cleaned, flushed of current biodegradable petroleum fluid and replaced with new petroleum elevator fluid. PPIs shall be submitted via email to kelly.e.ely.civ@us.navy.mil with a copy to rebecca.s.tangen.civ@us.navy.mil. Questions shall be clearly stated, and include the solicitation, specification, or drawing reference. PPIs will be accepted up to 13 June 2024 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




Public - Federal

Remodeling, Renovation




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1115 Lexington St, Oak Harbor, WA

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