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Published August 13, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

* Tender has been awarded to: T-Square Construction, NB at $44,300.00 Tender Call for Siding Replacement - Various Units in North Battleford SK Tenders $100,000.00 and over shall be accompanied by an electronic copy of a Bid Bond in an amount not less than 10% of the Tender Price written in the name of the Owner. The successful contractor will be expected to supply the original Bid Bond prior to the award of the contract. Certified cheque will NOT be accepted as bid security. Copies of the Tender Documents may be obtained from The Battlefords Housing Authority at (306) 445-4393. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. The Owner reserves the right to reject tenders from parties without reasonable acquaintance with the class of work specified. An approved contractor application must be completed, and evidence of competency shall be provided if requested. These reservations shall apply equally to subcontractors. Description of the Work: a. The purpose of this project is to provide Siding Replacement at various projects outlined in section C of the scope of work. b. The Contractor shall check and verify all site dimensions on an individual basis. c. The Contractor shall not make any claim to The Battlefords Housing Authority (TBHA) for miss measured or improperly measured work. 3.) Contractor Responsibilities: a. This scope of work, together with the attached general requirements, specifications and rejuvenation standards MUST be observed. b. All necessary fees and/or permits shall be the responsibility of the contractor and copies submitted upon final billing. c. Any items or areas where repair is required must be returned to an "as new" condition. d. The Battlefords Housing Authority reserves the right to reject all poor workmanship. e. Work must be sequenced to avoid disruption to the tenants. f. Work shall not take place during inclement weather at the discretion of the Owner. g. The contractor is to work closely with The Battlefords Housing Authority (TBHA) to minimize disruption of services to tenants. h. Contractor is to perform work in a manner that will not jeopardize tenant security and will not jeopardize tenant or public safety. i. j. The Contractor shall respect the rights of the tenants and shall conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner. Progress payments for materials or work completed must be requested and agreed to prior to the start of the project. 4.) Building Access: a. Contractors are to provide 48 hours' notice to tenants and housing authority prior to entering suites or accessing property. b. Contractor to provide a weekly work schedule to housing authority. c. Contractors will need to establish an acceptable Safety Plan and provide it to the housing authority. Guidelines for an acceptable safety plan can be provided by TBHA upon request. d. Contractors are to refrain from knocking on tenants' doors. Contact the Housing Authority to gain access to any suite. e. Work hours are to be from 7am to 7pm with occupied suites accessed from 8am to 6pm. f. Contractors are to refrain from leaving doors propped open. g. Contractors are to ensure the building always remains secure during the progression of work. h. All contractors, sub-contractors and workers are to identify themselves as "Contractors" either using ID tags or clearly labeled hard hats when on site. 5.) Contracts: a. Once the successful bidder has been established a Letter of Intent will be issued to award a contract to complete work as described in the Scope of Work. B. SCOPE OF WORK: o Remove existing Exterior Siding & /or trim and replace with approved Vinyl composite Backed equal. o Remove exterior air barrier and install new barrier and seal to National building standards. o Caulk along the new siding with an approved caulk. (07920) o Ensure the stucco is cut with a diamond blade along the existing window prior to removal to prevent stucco damage. The contractor will be responsible for stucco repairs if damage occurs. o Rigid Insulation is to be repaired, or replaced if required before siding is installed as per Rejuvenation Standards C. PROJECT ADDRESSES: Business Unit 1432: North Battleford, SK 39 1636-St Laurent Dr. 37 2482-100th Street 43 9001 Panton Ave Business Unit 1400: North Battleford, SK 22 8911-19th Ave 23 8917-19th Ave.




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Multiple Locations, North Battleford, SK

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