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Published August 16, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Los Angeles, California. Working plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Estimated Bid Value $20,000,000 to $70,000,000 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Q&A Deadline 07/25/2024 2:00 PM (PDT) Questions regarding the RFQ shall be submitted in writing no later than 14 calendar days prior to the Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) due date to SpecsDesk@mwdh2o.com. Metropolitan is seeking to qualify contractors to submit bids on construction contracts to provide personnel, equipment, and materials, including steel liner pipe and delivery of Metropolitan-furnished steel liner pipe, to rehabilitate PCCP lines. Prequalified contractors shall be able to obtain local permits, provide traffic control, excavate access portals to the existing PCCP line, insert steel liner pipe into position, weld and test longitudinal seams and circumferential joints, grout the annular space between the steel liner and existing PCCP, cement mortar line the steel liners, abate hazardous materials, disinfect pipelines, install large diameter valves, restore work areas, and rehabilitate appurtenant facilities. Respondents previously prequalified under RFQ 1342 may be prequalified for RFQ 1374 by submitting an abbreviated SOQ The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California has adopted a policy encouraging the participation of Small Business Enterprise and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (SBE/DVBE) firms in its contracts. Information and assistance in establishing or verifying SBE/DVBE status is available from Metropolitan's Business Outreach Office at (213) 217-7444. Services Required 1. This RFQ is issued for the purpose of establishing a list of qualified contractors who are capable of providing a timely response with an appropriate crew and equipment to perform time-sensitive repairs required for PCCP lines. PCCP rehabilitation projects will undergo a standard public works competitive bidding process for each project. 2. Large diameter pipelines rehabilitation will require procurement of steel liners, open excavation, removing portions of existing pipe, inserting and welding together steel liner pipe, grouting the annular space between the steel liner and the existing pipe, replacing or rehabilitating valves and structures, and other appurtenant work. It is anticipated that each project will be performed during single shutdown spanning up to seven (7) months covering approximately three (3) to five (5) miles in length of pipeline rehabilitation. Urgent repairs of a shorter length (approximately 1,000 feet) and expedited schedule (of a month or less) may also be required. 3. It is anticipated that this prequalification will be used for Sepulveda Feeder PCCP Rehabilitation - Reach 2, which is expected to be advertised in Fall 2024. 4. Qualified Contractors awarded a construction contract may be required to perform work around the clock, on the weekends, and on holidays in an expeditious manner until the work is completed.

Final Planning

Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work




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Multiple Locations, Los Angeles, CA

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Prequalify Contractors for PCCP Rehabilitation 2024/2025

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