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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Natchez, Mississippi. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

forthe furnishing of all labor andmaterials and performing allactivities specified in the Contract Documents, for the CanalStreet Over Canadian PacificRail Bridge Repair Project. Thework in this project consistsgenerally of supplying labor,materials and equipment asrequired to perform all relateditems of work covered under theplans and specifications for theCANAL ST OVER CANADIANPACIFIC RAIL BRIDGE REPAIR PROJECT, consisting ofthe repair of the Canal St bridgein Natchez, MS. All other relateditems of work required to complete the project are shown andspecified in the Contract Documents. Funding for thisproject is provided by the City ofNatchez. The Contract Time will be onehundred (100) consecutivecalendar days. Liquidateddamages will be $1,000.00 perconsecutive calendar day thereafter. The City of Natchez hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively insure that in any contract entered pursuant to thisadvertisement, disadvantagedbusiness enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submitbids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the groundsof race, color, sex, religion, ornational origin in considerationfor an award. State law requires a non-resident bidder to attach/includea copy of his resident state'scurrent law pertaining to suchstate's treatment of non-resident contractors with their bid.Any bid submitted by a non-resident contractor which does notinclude the non-resident contractor's current state law shallbe rejected and not consideredfor award. Each bidder must deposit withits proposal a bid bond or certified check in an amount equalto five percent (5%) of the totalbid for the work, payable to Cityof Natchez, as bid security. Thesuccessful bidder shall furnisha Performance Bond and Payment Bond, each in the amountof one hundred percent (100%)of the contract amount awarded. Attorneys-in-fact who signBid Bonds, Payment Bonds,and/or Performance Bondsmust file with each bond a certified and effective dated copy oftheir power of attorney. Each bidder shall write its certificate of responsibility numberon the outside of the sealed envelope containing its proposal.Any bid without the certificateof responsibility written on theoutside of the sealed envelopeshall not be opened and considered. Each bidder submittinga bid electronically as a PDFfile shall include its Certificateof Responsibility Number aspart of its PDF electronic bidsubmittal. Any electronic PDFbid that does not include thebidder's Certificate of Responsibility Number shall not be considered. No bid may be altered, modified, or withdrawn within sixty(60) days after being filed withthe Board of Aldermen. The City of Natchez reservesthe right to reject any and allbids, to waive any informalities, to negotiate with the lowest and best bidder to reducethe bid price to come within thefunds allocated for the work, toreduce the job in order to staywithin available funding or asdesirable in the discretion ofthe Board of Aldermen, and toaccept bids by classes and/orgroups, if applicable, all as setforth and in accordance with applicable Mississippi law and inthe Instructions to Bidders.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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S Canal St, Natchez, MS

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