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Published September 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Saint Joseph, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

EP Clarke Elementary Kitchen Exhaust Hood The Board of Education reserves the right to accept or reject any or all items in the bid; to accept or reject any or all bids; to waive any informalities therein; or for reasons of establishing uniformity, to award the contract to other than the low bidder. If either a unit price or extended price is obviously in error and the other is obviously correct, the incorrect price will be disregarded. Prices bid are to be F.O.B. St. Joseph, MI. All purchases are to be exempt from all taxes, including state and federal taxes. Exemption certificates will be furnished upon request. All bids to be considered must meet or exceed all specifications included in the Scope of Work. All bids must be submitted on the attached bid form and signed by the bidder A Certified Check, Cashier's Check, or Bid Bond in the Amount Equal to Five Percent (5%) of the Total of the Bid, Made Payable to St. Joseph Public Schools, Will Be Required With Each Bid. A 100% of Labor, Material and Performance Bond Will Be Required of the Successful Bidder. The Bonding Company Must Be Licensed to Do Business in the State of Michigan. 1. Furnish and install 24" high single shell 18 Gauge 430 Series stainless steel (where exposed) hood per the General Specifications size and shape per plan to cover all cooking equipment and be mounted 6'-8" above floor with open capture ends, duct collars, grease cups and gutter, recessed 3K LED lights factory wired to junction box, hanger rods and brackets and insulated rear standoff. 2. System shall be built in accordance with and bear the seal of NFPA, NSF, and UL with 20" high UL listed "Captrate Solo" stainless-steel filters running full length of hood. 3. Provide remote wall mounted constant volume control panel and HMI interface (two gang electrical junction box provided by the Trades) with fan and light switch, CAT 5 cable (installed by Trades), room temperature sensor and cellular on-line monitoring capability. Controls to include "CASLink" cloud-based building management system with or without BMS interlock capabilities. 4. Provide stainless-steel closure panels from top of hood to ceiling and insulated full height vertical stainless steel end panels with floor mounting legs and gas line cutout. 5. Mounted on front of hood shall be a 6" high stainless steel supply plenum with two layers of perforated stainless steel. Supply plenum to be an air curtain type with plenum duct inlets and volume damper. The size of the supply plenum shall be determined by the discharge velocity at the bottom of the plenum which shall not exceed 250 FPM. 6. Provide UL listed 208 Volt 3 phase make-up air roof top package with direct drive motor and control panel with starters and NEMA rated weatherproof disconnects. Make up air unit to be direct gas-fired tempered unit with the capability of a 70 Degree minimum temperature rise equipped with full modulating gas train, thermostat, motorized inlet damper, fire damper, heavy gauge steel base, watertight cabinet with access doors, extended intake air cabinet with filters and bird screens, and all accessories as required for a complete system. MUA to include DX Cooling optimized for 100% OA. DX coil module, 208 Volt 3 Phase Condenser, thermal expansion valves, and filter/dryer kits provided and pre-piped and charged by the factory. Condensers to be located integral to the MUA unit requiring no additional roof footprint. Condensers to be High Efficiency Nominal 14 SEER rated. All equipment shall be sizedfor CFM as shown on the plans and shall conform to all applicable codes. 7. Provide UL listed 208 Volt 3 Phase direct drive "Upblast" exhaust fan with hinged curb with grease collection device, control panel with starters and NEMA rated weatherproof disconnects and all accessories as required for a complete system. All equipment shall be sized for CFM as shown on the plans and shall conform to all applicable codes. 8. Hood shall be designed to automatically activate exhaust fan whenever cooking operation occurs. The activation of the exhaust fan shall occur through an interlock with cooking appliances, by means of heat sensors or by means of other approved methods. 9. Make up Air ductwork shall conform with all applicable codes. The FSEC shall provide rigid stitch welded metal makeup air ductwork (flex-duct will not be acceptable) constructed as per SMACNA requirements. If applicable, all external make up air ductwork shall be internally insulated, watertight, provided with proper support and fasteners and shall be constructed as per minimum SMACNA requirements. 10. Exhaust ductwork shall conform with all applicable codes. The FSEC shall provide continuously welded 16 Gauge black iron exhaust ductwork and shall conform to all building requirements with all dimensions subject to verification in the field. All duct work shall be furnished with cleanouts, access panels, etc. and shall be constructed as a watertight system. If applicable, all external exhaust ductwork shall be of double wall construction to accommodate 2 Hour fire blanket and painted to match building exterior or field wrapped with a galvanized metal skin and painted to match the building exterior. External exhaust duct work shall be provided with proper support and fasteners. 11. Hood and exhaust ductwork shall be 2 Hour fire rated by the FSEC. 12. The Trades shall provide wiring to inter-wire lights, control panel, HMI interface, heat sensor, exhaust fan and makeup air unit to hood control panel to interlock as required by code. This wiring shall be installed by the trades in conduit as required. 13. System is to be factory commissioned, tested and balanced as required for proper operation by FSEC with written report to Consultant, Architect and/or Owner. 14. Roof openings, fire rated walls within 18" of hood, structural support, and final connections shall be by the trades. 15. Removal of the existing hood, exhaust ductwork, exhaust fan and controls shall be by the FSEC.




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515 Glenlord Rd, Saint Joseph, MI

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