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Published June 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Magnetawan, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Municipality of Magnetawan is inviting Proposals for Winter Sand to be mechanically mixed with salt provided. Any information contained in the Request for Proposal that is changed by the Bidder (except for filling in the blanks) will be grounds for disqualification. Proposals must not be restricted by a statement added to the Form of Proposal or by a covering letter, or by alterations to the Form of Proposal supplied unless otherwise provided in the RFP. The onus unequivocally remains with the Bidder to ensure that the Municipality of Magnetawan receives Proposals delivered by the Proposal Submission Deadline, in accordance with the submission process described in this section. Proposals received after the Proposal Submission Deadline will not be considered. Required Review and Clarification 7 Reserved Rights of the Municipality of Magnetawan The Municipality of Magnetawan reserves the right to: a. make public the names of any or all Bidders and their quoted price. b. request written clarification or the submission of supplementary written information in relation to the clarification request from any Bidder and incorporate a Bidder's response to that request for clarification into the Bidder's Proposal. c. adjust a Bidder's scoring or reject a Bidder's Proposal based on: i) a financial analysis, ii) information provided by references, iii) the Bidder's past performance on previous contracts awarded by the Municipality of Magnetawan, iv) the information provided by a Bidder pursuant to the Municipality of Magnetawan exercising its clarification rights under this RFP process; or v) other relevant information that arises during the RFP process. d. verify with any Bidder or with a third party any information set out in a Proposal. e. check references other than those provided by any Bidder. f. disqualify any Bidder whose Proposal contains misrepresentations and/or any other inaccurate and/or misleading information or qualifications. g. disqualify any Bidder or the Proposal of any Bidder who has engaged in conduct prohibited by this RFP. h. make changes, including substantial changes, to this RFP provided that those changes are issued by way of addenda in the manner set out in this RFP. i. select the Bidder other than the Bidder whose Proposal reflects the lowest cost to the Municipality of Magnetawan or the highest overall score. j. cancel this RFP process at any stage. k. cancel this RFP process at any stage and issue a new RFP for the same or similar deliverables. l. accept or reject any or all Proposals in whole or in part. m. discuss with any Bidder different or additional terms to those contemplated in this RFP or in any Bidder's Proposal. n. if a single Proposal is received, reject the Proposal of the sole Bidder, and cancel this RFP process o. to negotiate with the two lowest Bidder(s). These reserved rights are in addition to any other expressed rights or any other rights which may be implied in the circumstances. Bidders shall carefully review this RFP. If questions concerning clarification of the contents of this document arise, the questions must be made in writing and received by the Lead Contact to allow time for the issuance of any necessary addenda. Protests based on any omission or error or on the content of the RFP will be disallowed if these perceived faults have not been brought to the attention of the Lead Contact. In submitting a Proposal, the Bidder acknowledges that they have read, completely understand, and accept the terms and conditions of the RFP in full. The Municipality of Magnetawan is not responsible for any misunderstanding of the RFP. A certified cheque made payable to the Municipality of Magnetawan in the amount of ten per cent (10%) of the total Proposal must be submitted with the Proposal, for deposit purposes. Deposit cheques of unsuccessful bidders will be returned within ten business (10) days of the Proposal opening. The cheque of the successful bidder shall be retained until the Municipality's acceptance of the completed work. The winning Contractor is responsible to fill up two domes with 3,900 tonnes of winter sand. To note the Municipality already has the salt required stored at the yard. Due to this an earlier delivery date can be negotiated with the Municipality. The Municipality requires both Domes to be filled with a Winter Sand/Salt mixture being 97% Sand and 3% Winter Salt. It will be up to the successful Contractor to order, coordinate and mix mechanically 3,900 tonnes of the combined material. Sand shall conform to the following gradation requirements with the exception that for manufactured sand the maximum percent passing the 75 um sieve shall be three percent (3%):


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Multiple Locations, Magnetawan, ON

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