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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Fieldsboro, New Jersey. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

r. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check, cashier's check, or bid bond for ten percent of the amount of the bid, not to exceed $20,000, drawn upon an incorporated bank or trust company, payable to the Borough of Fieldsboro as guarantee that in case the contract is awarded the bidder, he will, within ten days thereafter execute such contract and furnish satisfactory performance bond. The Mayor and Council reserve the right to reject any and all bids, or to waive informality of any bid. Proposals for this Contract will only be accepted from bidders who have properly qualified in accordance with the requirements of the Contract documents. The right is also reserved to reject any or all bids or to waive any informalities where such informality is not detrimental to the best interest of the Borough. The right is also reserved to increase or decrease the quantities specified in the manner designated in the Specifications. All work on this contract, including punch list work, shall be completed within sixty (60) calendar days of notice to proceed which could be issued as soon as September 2024. Clearing of the site shall be in accordance with Section 201 of the New Jersey Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, 2001 as amended and the following: The work shall include the removal and/or resetting of lawn decorations, minor yard structures, or similar obstructions in the site of the work. If there should be no separate items provided for in the Proposal, Clearing Site shall then also include removal and/or resetting and/or replacement and/or protection of any fences, signs, pavement, pavers, decorative shrubs, sidewalks, aprons, driveways, curbing, hedges or trees at the work site. Clearing Site shall also include removal of tree stumps, underbrush, clearing of wooded areas as shown on the drawings or any unsuitable or undesirable obstructions in the area of any of the scheduled items of work. Clearing the site shall also include removal of existing retaining walls if necessary, as shown in the construction drawings. Clearing site shall also include clearing and rough grading of lawn areas. All debris resulting from clearing the site shall be disposed of in accordance with Subsections 201.10 and 202.12 of the Standard Specifications. The contractor shall photograph such structures prior to removal to document existing condition and provide to the Engineer for the contract record. Deficiencies in the structures to be removed should be noted in writing. Clearing Site shall include the repair and re-grading of all driveways to conform to the new construction should there be no applicable items in the Proposal. Clearing Site shall also include any work not actually listed in the schedule of items in the Proposal, which is required for the completion of work as described by the drawings and the contract documents. Clearing Site shall include the necessary earthwork, cut and fill, and grading within both the existing paved cartway limits and beyond the proposed cartway limits for the reconstruction of the roadway, installation of curbs and installation of sidewalks, and installation of retaining wall as shown on the Construction Drawings and discussed elsewhere in these Specifications. In some cases, where authorized pursuant to the requirements of the Specification, or as depicted on the Contract Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer, clearing site shall also extend beyond the limits of the right-of-way as necessary to complete construction. Clearing Site shall also include the removal and/or resetting and/or protection of all signs, mailboxes, fences, poles, and all obstructions, either standing or felled, within the limits of construction of the project, as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer, for which no specific pay item is provided for in the Contract. The Contractor’s attention is directed to the wetland permitting plan, Sheet 10 of the Contract Plans. The Contractor will not do any work within the Wetland Boundary as shown on the plan.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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July 31, 2024

September 13, 2024


4th St, Fieldsboro, NJ

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