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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Gainesville, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Hall County, Georgia, desires On Call Services for Building Permit Services, Inspections, and Plan Review and is soliciting submissions for this Request for Qualifications with Cost Proposal (herein "RFQ/P") for the Service to provide support services including building inspections, building plan review, occupancy inspections for licensing, permit processing and review to the Building Inspections division. This need will be on an as needed basis due to increase in volume of applications, inspection requests, and plan review requests, or temporary staffing shortages due to vacation, sick leave, workman's comp, or temporary vacancies of positions. SCOPE OF WORK 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work performed in support of this contract. Subcontractors shall perform no work unless pre-approved in writing by the County. Contractors must disclose any intended subcontractors within the bid at the time of bid submissions. 2. Specifications: Bidders will be required to list fee structure on the following on the Mandatory Cost Proposal Work Sheet for; A. Plan Reviewer: Credentials of personnel, hourly rate, plan review cycle rate, minimum per plan set/ maximum per plan set; B. Inspectors: Credentials of personnel, hourly rate, per inspection rate, minimum per occurrence, maximum per occurrence; C. Permit Specialist (tech): Credentials, hourly rate, minimum rate per occurrence, maximum per occurrence D. Support staff (project manager, clerical, accounting) hourly rate for each involved the contract, minimum rate per occurrence and maximum per occurrence. E. Mileage and from where mileage would begin (business office, inspector's home, another location). F. Any other fees not listed above that your firm customarily assesses when providing the requested services. Please explain what these are and how they are assessed. General Qualifications: Bidders must be in the regular business of providing the Services as their principal core line of work. The Contractor shall be responsible for all work performed in support of this contract, including all subcontractors. Pre-Bid Meetings: - Reserved. Bidders shall provide copies of the following licensing with their bid response: A. Valid Business License B. Required licenses and certifications Bidders Questions Due Date: June 20, 2024, 12:00pm EST Answers to Questions Due Date: June 27, 2024, 2:00pm EST Questions: Bidders must present all questions in writing and directed solely to the Issuing Officer at Public Reading: Bid openings are open to the public and Bidders may attend but are not required to do so. The Issuing Officer named herein will open and publicly read all Bidders' company names on bid due date at the time and notated address above. Cost will not be read at this time. Performance and Payment Bonds - Reserved Bid Bonds: are only required on construction projects over $100,000 in value. The County reserves the right to reject all proposals, in full or in part, and to negotiate fees, terms and conditions with the Bidder submitting the overall best scored proposal. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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January 13, 2025


Multiple Locations, Gainesville, GA

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