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Published July 16, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Afton, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

Work will be completed according to the work write-up. This job must be completed in 7 working days. Work should begin within one week of notification or $100.00 will be charged for liquidated damages to the contractor for each working day of extension over the contract end date. To be considered a responsive/responsible bidder, the Mandatory Bid Response sheet and the Bid Form must be fully completed. To receive preference, bidder must be TERO certified through the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employment Rights Office; proof of certification must accompany submittals. Successful bidder will be obligated to comply with Tribal rules and regulations and TERO. A purchase order will be issued to the responsible Contractor who provides the lowest, most responsive bid in accordance with the HACN Procurement Policy. Award will be subject to availability of funds Bid Acceptance: Bids will be accepted from Indian and Non-Indian bidders. HACN reserves the right to determine if a bid meets stated requirements, and to award a purchase order for the bid that is in the best interest of the HACN, including but not limited to the total cost and capability of the bidder. Bidders are responsible for any and all costs associated with the preparation and submission of bids. No bidder may withdraw their bid within 30 days after the due date. HACN reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Tribal and Indian Preference: Indian preference will be given only to bidders who provide proof of current certification from the Cherokee Nation Tribal Employments Office (TERO) located in Tahlequah, OK. Proof of TERO certification must be included with the bid. This bid is subject to Section 7(b) of the Indian SelfDetermination and Education Assistance Act, (25 U.S.C.405 e) which requires in part that to the greatest extent feasible, preference in the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Indian Organizations and Indian Owned Economic Enterprises. Cherokee Nation TERO requirements apply, including the fee of 1/2 of 1% of contract award. The successful bidder must complete the TERO Labor Agreement and pay all applicable fees, including $25 per day per non-Indian employee working on this project (see Legislative Act 01-14). Please contact the TERO office at (918) 453-5334 with any questions. The successful bidder must have all fees and paperwork submitted to TERO for a contract/P.O. to be considered fully executed. Wage Rate #OK20240005 applies to this project. Any state or Tribal law requiring the payment of wage rates that exceed the corresponding Federal rate is inapplicable and shall not be enforced. The Contractor shall verify all quantities, measurements or dimensions, conditions, plans, scope of work, and write up before submitting a bid. Change Orders will not be approved based on mistaken quantity count, measurements or dimensions. At the time of the opening of bids, each bidder will be presumed to have: Inspected the sites, familiarized themselves with any existing conditions and read and become thoroughly familiar to the scope of work and contract documents. (Including all addenda) Method of Payment: : Payment will be made in one payment of 100% completion and acceptance of work approved by the HACN inspector with submission and acceptance of all closing documents. Licensed in a Trade area (ROOFING, HVAC, PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL), a Subcontractor IS REQUIRED. All sums due to any suppliers or subcontractors must be paid and Lien Waivers submitted to HACN prior to any draw being released to Contractor.


Residential Subdivision


Public - Federal


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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32902 Cambridge Cir, Afton, OK

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