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Site work for a civil project in Chula Vista, California. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

License Requirements A, C-27 The Otay Red Mitigation Project (Project) was designed to provide compensatory mitigation for past City of San Diego (City) Stormwater Department (SWD) channel maintenance impacts and to also provide Advanced Permittee Responsible Mitigation (APRM) for future stormwater channel maintenance projects identified in the City's Municipal Waterways Maintenance Plan and associated Final Environmental Impact Report (MWMP; Dudek 2020). The Project encompasses 6.48 acres and is located on two City-owned parcels (Assessor Parcel Numbers 62407026 and 62407022) within the Otay Valley Regional Park (OVRP) and is within the City's Multiple Species Conservation Program's (MSCP; City 1997) Multi-Habitat Planning Area (MHPA). The 6.48-acre Project area is composed of 5.04 acres of wetland habitat mitigation areas, 0.17 acre of an upland mitigation area, 1.21 acres of a weed free buffer area, a 0.01-acre SDG&E utility pole guy wire access area, and a 0.07-acre staging area (including 0.02-acre overlap with the proposed weed free buffer area). Implementation will involve soil excavation (and removal) and grading to lower the elevation to that of the adjacent wetland habitat along the northern and southern banks of the Otay River, treatment and removal of invasive species, and installation of native container plants and seed. Plant species characteristic of southern willow scrub, mule fat scrub, and cismontane alkali marsh will be installed within the riverbed and adjacent wetland establishment/re-establishment and rehabilitation areas. Upland scrub plant species characteristic of maritime succulent scrub will be installed on the upland slope that will be created by grading activities for the wetland establishment/re-establishment portion of the site. In addition, a weed-free buffer of 50 feet will be maintained around the Otay Red mitigation site (only on City-owned property). All work shall be conducted within the designated mitigation site and staging area at locations identified on the Construction Documents. The work schedule is defined by an installation phase and a post-construction 120-day plant establishment maintenance period (Project contract period). The 5-year maintenance and monitoring period described in the Project's Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP; August 2023) will be completed under a separate contract and is not a part of this Project contract period. Contractor services required of this scope of work include demarcation of work limits; determining the location of any buried utilities prior to any earth disturbance; non-native plant (weed) removal (prior to or during grading) following current shot-hole borer guidelines provided by the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UCANR; 2017 and 2020); excavation and grading; development of a Water Pollution Control Plan (WPCP); installation and maintenance of erosion control best management practices (BMPs) per the requirements of the WPCP; installation of a temporary irrigation system, container plants and cuttings; and hydroseed application. Large non-native trees that are too difficult to remove from the designated enhancement area (or may cause too much impact from felling and removal to native plants) may be killed in-place and left on site. Soils will be tested for potential contamination during grading. Any contaminated soils will be removed from the area and disposed of at an approved disposal facility to preserve public health. Upon completion of installation, the Contractor shall conduct the 120-day plant establishment maintenance period; provide watering (via temporary irrigation system supplied by a water truck) for plant material; conduct regular weed control within the mitigation site and buffer; and implement maintenance measures (and remedial actions as needed) for the duration of the contract period to ensure specified plant survivorship and successful control of non-native plant species. All trash and non-native plant material / debris, and any clean soils that are not used on-site, will be removed from the project site, and disposed of at an off-site, licensed, waste disposal facility (e.g., Miramar Landfill). Additional services required from this scope of work include providing qualified biological and cultural monitoring, for the duration of the Project contract period. Biological services shall include development of a Biological Construction Mitigation/Monitoring Exhibit (BCME) and monitoring and reporting, to assure compliance with Project avoidance and minimization measures identified in the HMMP (June 2022), applicable environmental protocols and mitigation measures identified in the MWMP, and Conservation Measures identified in the MWMP Informal Section 7 Consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Biological reporting services will also include preparation and submittal of an as-built letter report (that will include an as-built graphic on an aerial photo base, as well as photos taken from designated photo stations before and after installation) to the City within 30 days of the completion of installation activities and the 120-day Plant Establishment Period. Archaeological and Native American Monitoring monitoring shall include development of Archaeological Monitoring Exhibit (AME) and monitoring and reporting, as required by the AME. Any questions related to this solicitation shall be submitted to: Contract Specialist EMAIL address: 10.2. Questions received less than 14 days prior to the date for opening of Bids may not be considered The City has incorporated mandatory SLBE-ELBE subcontractor participation percentages to enhance competition and maximize subcontracting opportunities. For the purpose of achieving the mandatory subcontractor participation percentages, a recommended breakdown of the SLBE and ELBE subcontractor participation percentages based upon certified SLBE and ELBE firms has also been provided to achieve the mandatory subcontractor participation percentages: 1. SLBE participation 7.1% 2. ELBE participation 8.2% 3. Total mandatory participation 15.3% Question Deadline 07/17/2024

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

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325 Rancho Dr, Chula Vista, CA

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