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Published September 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Hastings, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Owner will consider the bids received for the furnishing of said labor, materials and equipment necessary for the proper construction of the aforesaid project. Project Address: 550 South Technical Blvd, Hastings, Nebraska 68901. The Work consists of an HVAC upgrade at the Phelps Building on the Central Community College, Hastings Campus. The project consists of removal of existing HVAC equipment, ductwork, piping and associated support system. New HVAC equipment which consists of grade mounted packaged HVAC systems, VAV terminal units with electric heat, humidifiers and associated ductwork, building management system controls and support systems will be installed to provide heating/cooling/ventilation for the building. Plumbing work to consist of removal of existing electric water heater and water softener system and installation of a new electric water heater and water softener system. Gas piping to be reconfigured and extended for the installation of new HVAC equipment and domestic water and drain piping to be installed to accommodate new systems. The main electrical distribution panel will be changed out and electrical systems will be installed to support the new HVAC systems. New lights to be installed in the attic. The General, Mechanical and Electrical, will be under one Bid. All subcontractor quotations shall be sent to the General Contractor. Bid Security is required to be submitted with bid proposal form. Make payable to Central Community College in the amount of 5% of the Lump Sum Bid Amount. Bid Security shall be of cashiers check, certified check, or Bid Bond issued by a Surety licensed to conduct business in the State of Nebraska. Form of Bid Bond is AIA Document A310. Any agent signing a bid bond on behalf of the Surety must attach a Power of Attorney effectively evidencing the agent's authority to bind the Surety to the performance of the Bid Bond. Performance Bond: The Contractor shall be required to furnish acceptable bonds to complete the work and pay for all labor and materials used, said bonds to be in the amount of 100% of total amount of the Contract. See Document A701, Instructions to Bidders. Taxes: The Contractor by virtue of his contract with Central Community College, becomes a purchasing agent for the Owner on their behalf and under Statute 77-2702 does not pay sales tax. Insurance: Prior to the start of the work, completed copies of the Certificate of Insurance, AIA Document G705 shall be submitted to the Owner and Architect. The deposit will be returned in full only if a qualified bid is submitted and the Bid Documents are returned within fifteen (15) days of the bid determination, or if the Contractor decides not to submit a Proposal and the Bid Documents are returned with seven (7) days prior to the bid opening. All Bid Documents Shall Be Returned to the office of Wilkins Architecture Design Planning, L.L.C., 2908 West 39th Street, Suite A, Kearney, Nebraska, 68845. Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all offers and to pass upon the regularity or waive any irregularities of any bid. The Owner intends, but shall not be required, to interview the two (2) lowest responsible bidders to determine the lowest responsible bidder. Any award of contract shall be made to the lowest responsible bidder, taking into consideration the best interests of the Owner, the quality performance of the Contractor, and his ability to perform the work. The decision to award the contract shall be in the sole discretion of the Owner. After acceptance by Owner, Architect on behalf of Owner, will issue to the successful bidder, a written Notice To Proceed. TBD, 2024: Contractors interviews in Central Community College - Grand Island, College Administration, Board Room 80. August 15, 2024: Low responsible bid contractor recommendation presented to Board of Governors. August 22, 2024: Contract awarded. Start Digital Document Submittal Service and Administrative Requirements. August 23, 2024: Construction Starts. December 20, 2024: Substantial Completion. January 10, 2025: Final Completion. Question Deadline 07/20/2024 Clarifications requested by bidders must be in writing not less than four (4) days before date set for receipt of bids. The reply will be in the form of an Addendum, a copy of which will be forwarded to known recipients. No technical questions will be answered by the Architect's /Engineer's office(s) during the twenty-four (24) hours immediately preceding the bid opening time and date. Verbal answers are not binding on any party.




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550 S Technical Blvd, Hastings, NE

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