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Published August 15, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and outdoor lighting for a mixed-use development in Oakland Park, Florida. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; water / sewer project; and for outdoor lighting for a road / highway.

Counties: Broward Road Name: Floranada Rd (Ne 45 St) Limits: From SR 811 (DIXIE HWY) To SR 54 (US 1) Project(s): 44158115201(*) Federal Aid No: D423072B Project(s): 44158115202 Federal Aid No: N/A Total Roadway Length: 0.491 Miles Total Bridge Length: 0.484 Miles Total Proposal Length: 0.975 Miles Contract Days: 238 Contract Execution Days: 10 Special Start Date: N/A Aquis/Flexible Start Time: 90 Days Please read the full advertisement Description: The Improvements under this Contract consist of Floranada Road (NE 45 St.) between SR-811/Dixie Hwy to SR-54/US-1 add sidewalk, curb and gutter, drainage, mill and resurface, signing and pavement markings, pedestrian signal and lighting. Exception limits from Sta. 24+57.21(MP0.276) to Sta. 50+13.53(MP 0.760) Prequalification per Rule 14-22 is not required. Bidders must complete and submit the Small Business Affidavit (Form No. 275-000-01) for approval prior to receipt of bid documents. It is only necessary to submit the Small Business Affidavit (SBA) form once per year. Send a completed and notarized affidavit as an attachment to: fdot.bdi@dot.state.fl.us. Bidders must submit the BDI Reference Sheet (Form No. 275-000-02) with the bid unless bidder is prequalified in the project major work type, per Rule 14-22, Florida Administrative Code. Question Deadline 07/24/2024 at 5:00 PM Questions posted to this site will be responded to by the Department. For questions posted after this time, an answer cannot be assured. For all questions posted before the deadline, FDOT will provide and post responses on online. For bids over $150,000.00, the standard proposal guaranty of 5% of the bid will be required, unless otherwise stipulated in the proposal advertisement. A Proposal Guaranty of not less than five percent (5%) of the total actual bid in the form of either a certified check, cashier's check, trust company treasurer's check, bank draft of any national or state bank, or a Surety Proposal Guaranty made payable to the Florida Department of Transportation must be received for each bid in excess of $150,000.00 A 100% Payment and Performance Bond will be required for all projects. All work is to be done in accordance with the Plans, special Provisions of the State of Florida Department of Transportation. FDOT - Call Order: 006 - Sidewalk / Milling & Resurfacing - Floranada Road The Improvements under this Contract consist of but are not limited to, MOT (standard, traffic control officer, arrow board, PCMS, barricade, signalization and maintenance, traffic detection and maintenance), monitor existing structures (inspection, settlement, vibration), clearing/grubbing (standard, selective), earthwork (excavation, embankment), concrete (remove, curb/gutter, curb, sidewalk/driveways), asphalt (milling, resurfacing), pavers, pavement markings (detectable, raised, painted, thermoplastic), signing (single-column), lighting (prestressed pole, conductors, luminaire, pole complete, cable distribution system), signalization (signal cable, aluminum pole, vehicular signal auxiliaries-backplates, pedestrian signal, pedestrian detector), conduit, pull/splice box, drainage (inlet protection, inlets, manholes, modify existing structure, pipe culvert, trench drain, french drain), electrical (load center, power service), utilities adjustments (manhole, valve box, meter box), tree (root/branch pruning, barrier, relocate), and sod along Floranada Road (NE 45th Street) from State Road 811 (Dixie Highway) to NE 13th Avenue, and from NE 18th Avenue to State Road 54 (US-1/Federal Highway), for a total of 0.491 miles in the Cities of Oakland Park and Fort Lauderdale, Broward County.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work




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Floranada Rd, Oakland Park, FL

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