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Published June 28, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a clubhouse / community center in Mocksville, North Carolina. Conceptual plans call for the construction of a clubhouse / community center; and for site work for a clubhouse / community center.

The Town of Cooleemee, North Carolina is seeking proposals from qualified firms to provide complete architecturalservices for the design, oversee construction, keep projects on task, and provide information to the board on status of a new Community Center. The Town is Interested in finding a firm thatwill develop the design in a manner thatreflects the surrounding streetscapesas well as meets our current and future needs and work with the building contractor through the construction andcompletion of the project to ensure completed by deadline. Firms can direct any questions to Clerk Steven Corriher Town Hall 336-284- 2141 or email scorriher@cooleemee.org or to Mayor Jeff Smith 336-250-1135 or email jsmith@cooleemee.org The Town owns property at 124 Duke St(the Old Pool site) where the proposed Community Center is projected to be built. The anticipated size of the building will be approximately 4000 sq ft., must be ADA compliant, with an estimated total budget of $1.25 million to include design, survey, grading and ground prep, and construction. The facility we hope has some brick mixed with vinyl siding to match the criteria of the Town houses located around it. The facility will house a Community Room/Council Meeting room, restrooms, small residential style kitchen ,and potential Davie County Library. The Town of Cooleemee North Carolinaproposes to retain a highly qualified firmto plan and design the project for a fixedcost. The Firm must have a commitmentto designing a facility that functionallymeets expected growth in the area whileadhering to local architecture and history. Therefore, the successful Firm shallbe familiar with local design themes anddevelopment processes. The Town ofCooleemee is the owner, and all financial and contract decisions will be madeby the Town. SELECTION PROCESS Town of Cooleemee staff will evaluate each submitted RFQ and may select Firm(s) to interview. Upon selection, a recommendation will be made to the Town Council. The Town of Cooleemee reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received as well as to waive any irregularities as they see fit. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Clubhouse / Community Centers


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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July 21, 2025


124 Duke St, Mocksville, NC

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