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Published August 29, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Camp Murray, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility; and 14,000-square-foot municipal facility.

Scope of Work includes the following: 1. Replacement of the existing 14,000 sf pitched asphalt shingle and single ply membrane roofing systems. 2. Removal of existing roofing material, flashings, and gutters to structure, replacement of damaged existing roof substrate materials, if any, replacement of associated ridge caps, flashings, drip edges, and gutters, and replacement of existing beams determined to be damaged or overstressed. ESTIMATED BID COST RANGE: $354,000 to $390,000 23-646 Please direct questions regarding this project to the office of the Consultant, Amanda S. Cano, KMB architects, 811 1st Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104, telephone (360) 706.6021, email amandacano@KMB-architects.com.. Bidder Responsibility will be evaluated for this project. In determining bidder responsibility, the Owner shall consider an overall accounting of the criteria set forth in "DIVISION 00 RESPONSIBILITY CRITERIA". Please direct questions regarding this subject to the office of the Consultant. The State of Washington prevailing wage rates are applicable for this public works project located in Pierce County. Bidders are responsible to verify and use the most recent prevailing wage rates. The "Effective Date" for this project is the Bid Form due date above. The applicable prevailing wage rates may be found on the Department of Labor & Industries website located at The successful Bidder is required to register and create an account in the DES Diversity Compliance program (B2Gnow) at online. Voluntary numerical Diverse Business goals of 10% MBE, 6% WBE, 5% Washington Small Business, and 5% Veterans have been established for this project. Achievement of the goals is encouraged. Bidders may contact the Office of Minority and Women's Business Enterprise (OMWBE) at online to obtain information on certified firms. Bidders may also utilize Washington Small Businesses registered in WEBS at online and Veteran-owned Businesses at online. The State reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. Contingent upon receipt of Federal funds. Estimated bid cost range: $354,000 to $390,000 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Site walkthrough notes: Camp Murray is a controlled access installation. Individuals seeking to enter Camp Murray must present credentials at the Visitor Control Center (VCC) to properly establish their identity. The VCC is located adjacent to the Main Gate. Camp Murray uses the Defense Biometric Identification System (DBIDS) for entry to the installation. At the VCC, military law enforcement personnel will verify that the vehicle driver has a valid driver's license, vehicle registration, and proof of insurance and that all passengers have either a driver's license or other form of acceptable photo ID.




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Transportation Corps Way, Camp Murray, WA

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