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Site work and paving for a civil project in Round Lake, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and road / highway.

The Town of Hunter is requesting bids for reconstruction of River Road approximately 4,999' X 22' The work will consist of pulverize, excavate, crushed gravel, asphalt paving, install culverts, remove boulders & shouldering. Work for Bid #1, #2, & #3 to be completed by November 1, 2024 Work for Bid #4 & #5 to be completed by June 15, 2025 Bid #1: Add 2" of gravel to preexisting asphalt - knockdown & grade pulverized material Bid #2: Pulverize Bid #3: Replace 1 culvert, add 1 culvert and add an end wall and extension to existing culvert; remove boulders; excavation & backfilling a 50' section of unsuitable material Bid #4: Fine grade & pave with hot asphalt mix Bid #5: Shouldering @ 2' Bids must include a certificate of insurance. The Town of Hunter reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, or any part thereof, waive informalities and to accept the bid proposal, or portion of a bid proposal, deemed most advantageous to the Town. General. Perform the work under this construction contract for Project NWBE 2340, Chippewa Flowage (Sherman Bay) - CTH B, Fiorelli Road (North Intersection) To CTH B, River Road Rehabilitation, Town of Hunter, Sawyer County, Wisconsin as the plans show and execute the work as specified in the State of Wisconsin, Department of Transportation, Standard Specifications for Highway and Structure Construction, 2024 Edition, as published by the department, and these special provisions. If all or a portion of the plans and special provisions are developed in the SI metric system and the schedule of prices is developed in the US standard measure system, the department will pay for the work as bid in the US standard system. 100-005 (20240105) Scope of Work. The work under this contract shall consist of Clearing, Grubbing, Excavation Common, Pulverize and Relay, Base Aggregate Dense Gravel Lift and Shoulders, Asphaltic Surface, Culvert Pipes, Removing Boulders, Grading and Shaping Ditch, Erosion Control, Landscaping, and all incidental items necessary to complete the work as shown on the plans and included in the proposal and contract. 104-005 (20090901) Prosecution and Progress. Begin work within 10 calendar days after the Town of Hunter issues a written notice to do so. This project has five separate contracts for various construction activities. The construction contracts are defined as follows: Contract #1 - Base Aggregate Lift, and Relay Pulverized Material Contract #2 - Pulverize Base Aggregate Lift and Existing Asphalt Contract #3 - Clearing, Grubbing, Culvert Work, Grading and Shaping Ditch, Excavation Common, Removing Boulders, Removing Asphaltic Surface Driveways, Erosion Control, Landscaping, and Incidental Items Contract #4 - Fine Grading and Hot-Mix Asphalt Paving of Mainline and Driveways Contract #5 - Base Aggregate Shouldering Construction operations will need to be coordinated between the separate contracts and shall be completed in the following order: 1. Place 1 1/4 -inch base aggregate dense gravel lift at 2" depth. 2. Pulverize 2" gravel lift and existing asphalt pavement. 3. Relay pulverized material. 4. Culvert work, excavation and backfilling of unsuitable material, removing boulders, erosion control, and all incidental items as necessary. 5. Remove asphalt surface at driveways, prepare relayed surface for Hot-Mix Asphalt paving, Pave River Road and driveways with Hot-Mix Asphalt. 6. Place 3/4 -inch base aggregate dense gravel shoulders at 2-foot width. Construction operations one through four (1-4) shall be completed by November 1, 2024. Construction operations five and six (5 and 6) shall be completed by June 15, 2025. The Town of Hunter will be responsible for coordination of all construction operations.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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July 10, 2024

August 12, 2024


River Rd, Round Lake, WI

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