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Published August 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Watertown, Connecticut. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

The Town of Fairfield has received notice of a DOT STEAP grant commitment to fund the ADA ramp and sidewalk improvement along Reef Road and Round Hill Road, South/North of Fairfield center. The awarded Contractor shall remove old and deficient concrete or asphalt sidewalks, driveway aprons, curbing and other materials/structures as shown on the attached plans in preparation for the installation of new concrete sidewalks, new concrete aprons, new brick pavers, new cast-in-place concrete, and new concrete curbs (add alternate). Question Deadline 07/11/2024 at 11:00 AM ET Questions concerning this bid must be submitted in writing and directed only to: Ms. Pru O'Brien, Buyer: pobrien@fairfieldct.org GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK Scope of work shall include but is not limited to: 1. Installation or replacement of existing sidewalks along Round Hill Road and Reef Road. - See plans for the work limit. 2. Replacement of pedestrian ramps with ADA compliant handicap ramps along Round Hill Road and Reef Road. Sidewalks shall meet CTDOT Standards. 3. Installation of Detectable Warning Strips. 4. Realigning and replacement of crosswalks. 5. Resetting of valves (h20/gas), catch basins (CB) and manholes (MH). 6. Relocation of a mailbox. 7. Surveying and closeout of the project. 8. Prior to any demolition or construction work, the Contractor shall prepare the site according to all local, state and federal laws. 9. The Contractor shall contact Call before You Dig (CBYD) and obtain all paperwork and information prior to commencing any work 10. The Contractor shall also furnish and install any erosion and sediment controls necessary as detailed or required on the plan document such as but not limited to catch basin (CB) filters, silt sacks, silt fence. 11. Prior to beginning work, the Contractor shall also furnish and install "Maintenance and Protection of Traffic" (item 11) items per D.O.T. permit conditions and Town of Fairfield Police Department. The Contractor shall follow the CTDOT Traffic Control Maintenance Operation Manual for the work in travel lane. 12. Once provided the notice to proceed, the Contractor shall start construction staking, clearing and grubbing, excavation and removal/disposal of old concrete or asphalt sidewalks, driveway apron, curbing and other materials/structures as noted on the Sheet-01. 13. The Contractor will be responsible for a safe work zone with installing cones, horses, "warning tape", signs and/or construction fencing depending on daily work site condition. 14. Any specific details referenced to Form 818, shall refer to the State of CT DOT Standard Specifications Form 818 as to materials and methods of construction. 15. All pay items shall include all labor, equipment, and materials to complete the items and the project unless otherwise specified The time of completion will be 120 calendar days, measured from the notice to proceed

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Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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Multiple Locations, Watertown, CT

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Neighborhood Sidewalk Improvements, Reef Round and Round Hill Road

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