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Renovation of an educational facility in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Working plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The owner has selected a Design Builder. A timeline for construction has not yet been established. Design-Build Services for fire alarm and sprinkler installation in three buildings located throughout the Twin Cities campus. Refer to the Request for Proposal documents (found in the Attachments tab) for full project details/requirements. Respondents are prohibited from contacting the identified department about this RFP while in process. Before submitting questions about the RFP via the Questions Tab, read and review the RFX INSTRUCTIONS, REQUIREMENTS, AND RIGHTS RESERVED BY THE UNIVERSITY DOCUMENT and ALL Attributes in the Attributes Tab. These provide valuable information and address frequently asked questions. Question Deadline 07/24/2024 at 12:00 PM CT 2% Disabled Employees. Participation of Targeted Businesses equal to or greater than thirteen percent (13%) of the Base Bid/Proposal costs. o No less than 75% of the work or material contracted to the identified TGB enterprise(s) must be performed or supplied by said TGB enterprise(s). Project Description (the "Work") The University is seeking a Design-Build team (D-B Team) to provide code analysis, engineering and construction estimating services for the upgrade of fire suppression and alarm systems in Johnston, Wulling and Shevlin Halls on the Minneapolis campus. The Work will extend suppression and alarm coverage throughout the facilities which at this time are only partially covered. Proposals must include full A-E and GC services, starting with predesign and testing/analysis services. Once recommendations based on testing and analysis have been determined, D-B Team to provide construction documents, cost estimates and anticipated construction schedules for necessary building modifications. Construction is expected to occur in phases. Once funding for each recommendation is secured the D-B Team is to implement the required building modifications. Close coordination with Facilities Management for building operations and access to building spaces will be required. The following additional design services are to be included: 1. Existing Facilities Surveys & Assessment: Evaluation of current designs and condition of existing alarm and suppression systems in each building. 2. Baseline Code Analysis: Evaluation based on occupancy type and building classification for each building, noting related systems that are not in compliance (Fire separations, ratings, exit signage, etc.). 3. Historic Preservation Consultant: SHPO and Architectural Design services for Shevlin Hall to address historically significant spaces. 4. Detailed Cost Estimating: Construction estimates and schedules for proposed work Shevlin Hall a. Campus: Minneapolis b. Building #: 021 c. Address: 164 Pillsbury Dr. SE d. Description: Historical, high level finishes in original spaces on first and second floor need to be considered during design phase. Auditory booths in rear addition.Estimated Cost of Work: $1,080,000 f. Estimated Project Duration:5 MonthsWulling Hall a. Campus: Minneapolis b. Building #: 006 c. Address: 86 Pleasant St. SE d. Estimated Cost of Work: $900,000 e. Estimated Project Duration: 5 Months 3. Johnston Hall a. Campus: Minneapolis b. Building #: 073 c. Address: 101 Pleasant St SE d. Alternate: Selected Respondent's Team will be asked to consider/price out a potential alternate for emergency generator, power network and ATS. e. Estimated Cost of Work: $920,000 f. Estimated Project Duration: 2 Months




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Multiple Locations, Minneapolis, MN

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