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Published July 4, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tomah, Wisconsin. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INSPECTION SERVICES Contractor at minimum shall provide the following: A. Conduct Monthly UST inspections on 6 USTs to include: 1) Checking of Automatic Tank Gauge system functionality to include underground storage tank and associated piping. 2) Checking spill containment sump. If necessary, remove water. B. Conduct Monthly AST inspections on 7 ASTs to include: 1) Complete Wisconsin DSPS (Department of Safety & Professional Services) STI SP00l Monthly Inspection Checklist (Form 10897) for AST systems. C. Conduct Annual inspections to include: 1) Complete Wisconsin DSPS Underground Tank System Functionality Verification (Form ERS 10778) for 6 UST systems. 2) Complete Wisconsin DSPS STI SP00l Annual Inspection Checklist (Form 10898) for 7 AST systems D. Conduct Tri-annual inspection on (6) six USTs in addition to the Monthly and annual testing during the Base year and Option Year three (3) of the contract. 1. Contractor shall test sumps and fill buckets to ensure that they are not leaking and meet all state and federal regulations. E. Any item found to be out of tolerance, or in any other way defective as a result of the required testing, shall be reported to the COR immediately. This shall include a quote from the vendor detailing the costs of the repairs. At the CO's discretion, a contract modification or separate Purchase Order will be issued and/or solicited for repair and replacement work to be completed. After appropriate corrective action is completed, the item shall be re-tested. F. Any changes to this SOW shall be authorized and approved only through written modification of this contract from the CO (Contracting Officer) in coordination with the COR (Contracting Officers Representative). Costs incurred by the contractor through the actions of parties other than the Contracting Officer shall be borne by the contractor. G. Notwithstanding, the Contractor shall perform no additional work without the prior written authorization of the Contracting Officer. Any additional work, which may be performed by the Contractor without this approval, will be performed by the Contractor at no additional cost to the Government. H. Within fourteen (14) days of the award of this contract, the Contractor and the Government shall agree upon a date for work to take place. RFQ QUESTIONS: In order to maintain integrity of this solicitation and subsequent award date, all offerors are advised that any question and answer requests must be submitted in a written form via e-mail to the Contracting Officer aaron.rogers1@va.gov no later than JULY 11TH 2:00 PM LOCAL TIME. Contracting will issue a consolidated response via solicitation amendment to https://sam.gov Contract Opportunities within 2 business days to all parties.


Water / Sewer

Public - Federal

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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