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Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Middletown, Connecticut. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Middletown Rest Area Truck Parking Improvements in the Town of Middletown Work under this item shall include all materials, equipment, tools, and labor required to (1) stage, manage, and stockpile Controlled Material within the Project limits (2) load and transport material from various stockpile locations, place, and compact said materials in areas with a paved surface or with poly underlayment at a nearby Department of Transportation owner property or appropriate Contractor located and Department-approved Temporary Reuse Stockpile Area (TRSA) and (3) dispose of any unsuitable Controlled Material or surplus Controlled Material at a Department-approved treatment/recycling/disposal facility. This item is estimated to include the management of material for reuse within the Project limits and unsuitable and surplus material for disposal. It is beneficial to reuse the Controlled Material within the Project limits to the maximum extent possible, reducing the costs associated with disposal at a regulated facility The work under this item shall include the removal and legal disposal of Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS) copper electrical service cable and conductors where shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. State Project Number(s) & Description: State Project No. 0082-0328; Middletown Rest Area Truck Parking Improvements in the Town of Middletown Required Prequalification Work Classification(s): 5B - Parking Lots and Paved Trails Federal-aid Project Number(s) & Funding Source: State Project Scope Code: "F" $ 2,500,000 $ 4,999,999 Pre-Bid Conference and/or Site Visit Information: N/A District Number(s): 1 - Rocky Hill Contract DBE % Goal or SBE % Set-Aside: SBE 4% Prospective bidders must be prequalified with the Department of Transportation and have on file a sworn Statement (CON 16) by the time of the bid. In order to help ensure that prospective bidders may become prequalified in time for the bid opening for a given contract, contractors should be certain to return the Prequalification Application (CON 16) with all necessary information, signatures and notarized documents, to the DOT Contracts Unit at least thirty (30) calendar days before requesting a bid proposal form for that contract. Except when otherwise specified in the bid documents, no proposal will be considered unless; (a) it is accompanied by a proposal guaranty from a surety company in the form of the Departments (CTDOT) standard bid bond form furnished by the Department, as may be revised, satisfactory to the Commissioner, in an amount equal to at least 30% of the amount of the bid Question Deadline - 07/29/2024 at 9:00 AM ET - Questions pertaining to DOT advertised construction projects must be presented through the CTDOT Pre-Bid Q and A Website. The Department cannot guarantee that all questions will be answered prior to the bid date. PLEASE NOTE - at 9:00 am Monday (i.e. typical Wednesday Bid Opening) the project(s) being bid will be closed for questions, at which time questions can no longer be submitted through the Q and A Website CTDOT - Rest Area Truck Parking Improvements in the Town of Middletown *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.

Bid Results

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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