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Published January 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Chicago, Illinois. Conceptual plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Kimball Avenue Trichloroethylene (TCE) Remediation General Description of Work The work for which proposals are invited consist of treating soil in the eastern portion of the 1807- 1815 N. Kimball Avenue Site (the Site) to reduce trichloroethylene (TCE) concentrations in the soil to below the soil saturation limit (Csat) between 6 and 20 feet below the ground surface (bgs) by applying In-Situ Chemical Oxidation (ISCO) via soil mixing. Implementation will include, but is not limited to, the following activities: site security and pest control; fence installation; excavation and stockpiling of contaminated overburden; design, permitting and installation of an earth retention system; construction and maintenance of decontamination facilities; treatment of TCE-impacted soil via mixing and in-situ chemical oxidation of soil from a depth of 6 to 20 feet bgs; confirmation sampling; dust and vapor control; backfilling; offsite transportation and disposal of any unused overburden; and site restoration, as described in the detailed specifications and plans and to the complete satisfaction of, approval and acceptance by the City, including all appurtenant work and accessories, to the complete satisfaction of, approval and acceptance by the City. This description of work is intended to be general in nature and is neither a complete description nor a limitation on the work to be performed. Contractor shall perform all Work described in the Contract Documents or reasonably inferable as necessary to produce the results specified therein, except to the extent specifically indicated in the Contract Documents to be the responsibility of others. Fund Source: Brownfield Clean Up Grant Fund Number: 022-G046-038-2005-140-220140 Bid Deposit: 5% of Total Base Bid DBE Participation Goal: 32.0% Bid Deposit 5% of the Total Base Bid PERFORMANCE BOND: 100% of the Total Base Bid shall be provided by the successful bidder. CONTRACT SPECIFIC GOALS: 32.0% DBE The Bidder Inquiry Deadline is listed on the front cover of the Bid Documents under "Deadline for Questions." Inquiries received after the Bidder Inquiry Deadline will not be answered except at the discretion of the Chief Procurement Officer. Deadline for Questions: 02:00 PM Central Time, 27-AUG-2024 Buyer: BEJAR, LUIS Email Address: Luis.Bejar@cityofchicago.org The scope of work also includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Complete submittals including Health and Safety Plan, Work Plan, Post-Treatment Drawings, Materials documentation 2. Obtain all necessary approvals and permits including but not limited to earth retention system permitting and coordination with the City of Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT), Office of Underground Coordination (OUC) and an excavation permit from the City of Chicago Department of Buildings (DOB) 3. Construct and Maintain Decontamination Facilities - The decontamination facilities includes the following assumptions: a. Construction of a decontamination pad with a liner; b. Characterization, transportation and disposal of decontamination water; c. Maintenance of decontamination facilities for the duration of the scope of work 4. Earth Retention System (e.g. sheeting, shoring, benching, sloping); a. Design earth retention system to meet the requirements of the Section 31 62 16 Earth Retention Performance Specifications and applicable regulations b. Prepare necessary documents and secure the permit prior to the start of work c. Prepare site, construct and monitor the earth retention system, and d. Maintain integrity of the earth retention system for the duration of the scope of work.

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1807 N Kimball Ave, Chicago, IL

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Kimball Avenue Trichloroethylene (TCE) Remediation

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