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Published September 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The first phase of the CentrePort South Program (referred to as Phase 1A) includes four separate construction contracts. The current project (Tender 427-2024) is to install a 450 mm force main from the planned lift station (being constructed under Tender 301-2024) and extend approximately 7.5 km to the intersection of Brookside Boulevard and Inkster Boulevard. At this location the force main transitions to a 1200 mm gravity sewer that extends across the intersection of Brookside Boulevard and Inkster Boulevard and connects to the existing 1350 mm interceptor sewer on Inkster Boulevard. The major components of the Work are as follows: (a) Utility locations and elevations are to be confirmed prior to commencement of construction as required to allow for preventative or corrective actions if required; (b) Temporary modifications to existing ditches within working and laydown areas as required to deal with drainage throughout the duration of construction; (c) Construction of 450 mm DR25 PVC force main utilizing open cut and Trenchless installation methods; (d) Construction of Combined Air Valve (CAV) Chambers; (e) Construction of 450mm Gate Valves; (f) Construction of 600 mm DR9 HDPE force main with Primus Liner for the CPKC railway and Omand's Creek crossing utilizing horizontal direction drilling: (g) Construction of 450 mm DR18 Restrained Joint PVC force main encased within a 900mm Steel Casing for the CN railway, Bergen Cutoff Road, and Oak Point Highway crossings utilizing Auger Boring or Pipe Ramming; (h) Construction of 1200mm wastewater sewer that crosses the Inkster Blvd and Brookside Blvd Intersection utilizing Tunnelling; (i) Supporting and backfilling below key utilities to support Tunnelling Work as shown on Drawings; (j) Connection to the 1350mm CONC WWS at the intersection of Inkster Boulevard and Brookside Boulevard; (k) Construction of Wastewater Sewer Manholes; (1) Relocating 300 mm water main as shown on the Drawings; (m) Coordination of the relocation of existing Telus utilities; (n) Supporting existing utilities as required (o) Pigging and pressure testing the force main; and (p) Surface restoration and related Works. The Bidder shall include in their Bid Submission bid security in the form of a digital bid bond, in the amount of at least ten percent (10%) of the Total Bid Price, and agreement to bond of a company registered to conduct the business of a surety in Manitoba A Performance Bond of a Company Registered to Conduct the Business of a Surety in Manitoba, in the Form Attached to These Supplemental Conditions (Form H1: Performance Bond), in the Amount of Fifty Percent (50%) of the Contract Price A Labour and Material Payment Bond of a Company Registered to Conduct the Business of a Surety in Manitoba, in the Form Attached to These Supplemental Conditions (Form H2: Labour and Material Payment Bond), in an Amount Equal to Fifty Percent (50%) of the Contract Price. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform. Question Deadline 07/31/2024 All enquiries shall be directed to the Contract Administrator identified in D7. B5.2 If the Bidder finds errors, discrepancies or omissions in the Tender, or is unsure of the meaning or intent of any provision therein, the Bidder shall notify the Contract Administrator of the error, discrepancy or omission, or request a clarification as to the meaning or intent of the provision at least five (5) Business Days prior to the Submission Deadline. Any enquiries concerning submitting through MERX


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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