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Published November 4, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a power facility in Millersville, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a power facility.

The Maryland Environmental Service is soliciting competitive sealed bids from qualified Contractors to provide excavation, trenching and laying conduit, concrete, h-frame construction, and chain-link fencing in support of the creation of a statewide Mesonet weather station systems located at the Carroll, Howard, Montgomery and Prince Georges Counties. Question Deadline 07/31/2024 at 1:00 PM ET General Scope: The contractor shall be responsible for excavation, trenching and laying conduit, concrete, h-frame construction, and chain-link fencing in support of the creation of a statewide mesonet weather station systems installed in Carroll, Howard, Montgomery, and Prince George's Counties. It is estimated that nine (9) sites are planned. Specific location details will be provided by MES prior to installation. The scope of work for each location will remain the same. These stations will be strategically placed to provide detailed and high-resolution meteorological and environmental data for the state of Maryland. A full site layout can be viewed in Appendix A. 2.0 Excavation The excavation locations will be laid out by MES staff. There are four locations to which the contractor will be responsible to excavate at each site: 2.1 Tower Base: 3' x 3' to a depth of 30" 2.2 Rain Gauge base: 14" x 14" to a depth of 30" 2.3 Solar/Electric base: 3.25' x 1' to a depth of 30" 2.4 Soil Pit: 24" x 18" to a depth of 40". MES/UMD will be on site during excavation to install soil sensors. This should take approximately 30 minutes, then the pit can be backfilled and compacted. 2.5 Excavated materials shall be taken off site by the contractor or will be graded around the site location. MES will tell the contractor what is required by the landowner. Conduit Conduit will be run in three directions: 1) rain gauge base to tower base, 2) solar/electric base to tower base, 3) soil pit to tower base. 3.1 Trenches shall be at a depth of 18" 3.2 Conduit will be 1.5" PVC and right-angle piece will be set inside concrete forms. Concrete All three (3) bases will be filled with 3500 PSI (minimum) concrete with air and be level. 4.1 The contractor shall use 2" x 6" lumber to create forms around each base prior to pouring concrete. 4.2 MES will provide bolts, anchors, and templates for the "tower base" and "rain gauge base" that will be set in the concrete during pouring. The contractor is to set the bolts, anchors, and templates and ensure they are level when set in the concrete. 4.3 The contractor will be responsible for h-frame construction (Appendix B), which will be set into the "solar/electric base" concrete and ensure it remains level while the concrete cures.


Power Plant


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Millersville, MD

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