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Published August 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Muskegon, Michigan. Working plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Muskegon Community College Office of Financial Services seeks proposals from vendors/organizations/firms for the upgrade and installation of new lighting equipment in the Overbrook Theater at Muskegon Community College. Requirements: ETC Paradigm system Include all network infrastructure needed for the system to work. Required to have an ETC Certified Tech commission the system. Programing of touch screens to provide presets as desired by Technical Director. Work Lights Rehearsal Lights Presenter Stage Left and Stage Right preset. Movie preset. House lights Single or dual button stations at the following locations, please note there are currently outdated stations in place that need to be replaced. In addition, if the wiring needs to be updated to support new stations the contractor is required to furnish and install. Both lobby doors Both ladders to the Front of House lighting position Front of the house on both sides of the stage Catwalk entrance from costume shop Wired Touch Screens in the tech booth and backstage entrance from shop. ETC ArcSystem lights and drivers to replace all house lights. 54 fixtures in total Include all wiring and electrical connections as needed. Onstage work lights The Light Source WL Series 6" Fresnel LED pendant or equivalent Replace 18 fixtures currently in space. Add 6 under upstage most section of catwalk. Provide all necessary wiring and connections as needed. Replace Existing ETC CEM power control modules quantity of 3, with ETC CEM3 power control modules quantity of 3. ETC DMX 4 port gateway All work requiring a licensed electrician if you do not have one on staff will need to be contracted through the defined electrical contractor listed in this document. MCC specifically instructs all interested Vendors/Organizations/Firms to restrict all questions regarding this RFP to written or emailed communications forwarded to the above-named RPF Contact Person. All questions and concerns must be received no later than July 29,2024. MCC shall have a reasonable amount of time in which to respond to all questions and concerns; however MCC reserves the right to decline to respond to any question. MCC may, in its sole discretion, respond in writing or by email to written inquiries concerning this RFP, and may email, or mail via U.S. Postal Service its response to all parties recorded by MCC as having received a copy of this RFP. Only MCC responses that are made by formal written Addenda shall be binding. Any verbal responses or written interpretations or clarifications other than Addenda to this RFP shall be without legal effect. Any and all Addenda issued by MCC prior to the submittal deadline shall be and are hereby incorporated as a part of this RFP for all purposes. Award notification following Board of Trustees meeting, no later than August 31,2024. MCC reserves the right to reject any and all offers, to waive informalities and minor irregularities in offers received, and to request additional information from proposing Vendors/Organizations/Firms.

Final Planning

Theaters / Auditoriums


Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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221 Quarterline Rd, Muskegon, MI

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