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Published August 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Marietta, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Reference Number: 0000357421 Qualified firms to serve as the Design-Build Contractor to complete the design and construction of park improvements for Fair Oaks Park and Booth Road Park, located at 1465 W. Booth Road Ext. SW. Marietta, GA. 30008 & 139 Booth Road SW, Marietta, GA. 30008 respectively. - Performance Bond 100 % - Labor and Materials Bond 100 % Question Deadline 07/30/2024 at 5:00 PM ET Questions are submitted online : No SCOPE OF WORK A. BASIC INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS It is the Countys desire to work collaboratively with the Design-Build Contractor to provide the optimum value for the project. Therefore, the Design-Build Contractor shall be an active participant in the preconstruction process and work closely with the County to ensure that improvements are designed to provide the maximum product available within the established construction budget. The Design-Build Contractor shall prepare and establish a design and permitting schedule in the early stages of the project to ensure construction starts by the date established in the Special Terms and Conditions. The following is a listing of some of the representative services to be provided by the Design Build Contractor. B. C. DESIGN AND PRECONSTRUCTION PHASE 1. Develop a major task-based bar schedule. 2. Develop a provisional construction schedule indicating methods and sequencing of construction. 3. Complete design development along with Architect. 4. Develop requirements for safety, quality assurance, and schedule adherence. 5. Prepare and complete all necessary construction documents to demonstrate to the County work scope and meeting all permit requirements. 6. Perform a constructability review of the construction documents. 7. Develop subcontractor bid packages. 8. Provide detailed construction cost estimates at each major milestone (preliminary design, design development, construction documents) during design, working with the Owner to ensure the project will be completed within the established construction budget. Cost estimates at each milestone of the design process will be utilized, and the owner will determine the priority of the improvements/activities/areas/amenities to be included in the design phase. 9. Work closely with the Designer throughout the design process to ensure cost effective construction techniques and details are incorporated into the design within the established budget; and provide analysis of different construction methods in each major trade group for potential quality, cost, and schedule enhancements. 10. When design documents have been developed in sufficient detail, provide a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) for the project. The Design-Builder is required to obtain a minimum of three subcontractor bids for all trades. 11. Develop budget to be maintained throughout construction. 12. Determine extent of Special Inspections requirements set by Cobb County. 13. Procure all required permits, meters, utility connections, and approvals, etc. 14. Develop value-engineering options.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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August 8, 2024

September 9, 2024


Booth Rd, Marietta, GA

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