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Published August 16, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a service station / car wash facility in Derby, Kansas. Completed plans call for the demolition of a service station / car wash facility; and for site work for a service station / car wash facility.

The City of Derby is requesting proposals from qualified contractors for demolition and removal of a structure located at 2006 N. Nelson Dr., in Derby, Sedgwick County, Kansas. Late proposals will not be accepted. The contractor will be responsible for the demolition, removal and proper disposal of the structures and debris. Alex Lane, City Engineer, is the project manager and point of contact for the City on this project. The site and buildings are illustrated on the aerial map attached (attachment A) to this document. It is the intent of the City of Derby to select a contractor for the site that will, in the City's sole determination, provide the best demolition proposal at the least cost. The City of Derby reserves the right to reject any and all proposals and to waive any technicalities or irregularities. Questions regarding this request for proposals shall be directed to Alex Lane, City Engineer, alane@derbyweb.com or telephone at (316) 788-6632. The deadline for submission of any and all questions and inquiries concerning this RFP is Thursday, July 25, 2024 at 5:00 pm. Demolition Work The contractor will be responsible for demolition, removal, and proper disposal of the structures and debris at the site. Responsibility for Temporary Facilities The demolition area becomes the contractor's responsibility from the date of notice of award, until final acceptance by the City. The contractor will be responsible for all temporary facilities necessary to successfully complete the project to include, but not limited to, portable restrooms, site fencing, site security, stormwater BMP consideration, etc. Site Utility Disconnects It is the contractor's responsibility to arrange and pay for disconnection of all utilities (Electric, Cable, Gas, Sewer, Telephone, and Water) prior to starting demolition. Permits & Licenses It is the contractor's responsibility to obtain all required permits necessary for completion of the project from the appropriate regulatory agencies, including a City of Derby Demolition Permit (Cost: $50.00). Restoration It is the contractor's responsibility to restore all rights-of-way and property which has been disturbed, damaged, or otherwise affected by demolition to a condition equal to, or better than, existed prior to the commencement of demolition. Such restoration shall include, but not be limited to, regrading disturbed areas. The top 12 to 18 inches shall contain good quality dirt, free of foreign material and conducive to vegetation growth. All areas shall drain and not contain any tripping and/or falling hazards, consistent with the ability to mow the area. All areas will be seeded with the following mix: six pounds of fescue and four pounds of rye grass per one thousand square feet. Salvage It is the contractor's prerogative to salvage any items from the demolition area, unless specifically identified as remaining. It is the City's desire to promptly complete this project, so time for completion may be a factor when analyzing proposals. Disposal of Debris All debris and trash found at the demolition site, or which results from demolition activities, must be hauled in accordance with applicable regulations and disposed of at a landfill licensed by the State of Kansas. Inspection and Acceptance It is the contractor's responsibility to arrange for a final inspection by the City upon completion of the demolition, removal, and restoration work. City infrastructure will be inspected before the award date and after final inspection. The contractor is responsible for repairing any damage to said infrastructure resulting from their demolition activities. Completion Time It is the contractor's responsibility to coordinate activities with the City Engineer, Alex Lane. The work is anticipated to receive City Council approval at the August 13, 2024 meeting. The contractor should identify how many days will be needed before the site will be ready for final inspection, barring any unforeseen circumstances.


Service Station / Car Wash


Public - City

Demolition, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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