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Saving Project...

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Colonial Heights, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

2025 Pavement Preservation Project. The City of Colonial Heights VA seeks a contractor, to resurface pavement on segments of Conduit Road, Hamilton Avenue, Kent Avenue, Concord Avenue, Yorktown Avenue, Franklin Avenue, Maple Avenue, Poplar Avenue, Drake Avenue, Cottage Grove Avenue, Charlotte Avenue, and Meridian Avenue. The project includes, but is not limited to: 1. Documenting the location of existing pavement markings, valve boxes, and manholes 2. Pavement planing 3. Asphalt concrete patching. 4. Resurfacing Conduit Road, Hamilton Avenue, Kent Avenue, Concord Avenue, Yorktown Drive, Franklin Avenue, Maple Avenue, Poplar Avenue, Drake Avenue, Cottage Grove Avenue, Charlotte Avenue, and Meridian Avenue with SM 9.5A, nominal thickness of 2 inches. 5. Removal and replacement of valley gutter at the intersection of Conduit Road and Brockwell Lane. Question Deadline 07/31/2024 at 5:00 PM ET Any questions on this project, should be emailed to Larry Melvin, Purchasing Agent, The City of Colonial Heights seeks a contractor to resurface pavement on segments of Conduit Road, Hamilton Ave, Kent, Concord, Yorktown, Franklin, Maple, Poplar, Drake, Cottage Grove, Charlotte, and Meridian as shown in Appendix A. The City Engineer reserves the right to modify the Project's quantities and limits depending on the in-place cost of the work and the availability offunds. More specifically, the Project includes, but is not limited to: o Documenting the location of existing pavement markings, valve boxes, and manholes. o Pavement planing o Asphalt concrete patching o Manhole and valve adjustments o Resurfacing Conduit Road, Hamilton Ave, Kent, Concord, Yorktown, Franklin, Maple, Poplar, Drake, Cottage Grove, Charlotte, and Meridian with SM 9.5A, nominal thickness of 2 inches. Please see appendix A for specific location maps. o Removal and replacement of valley gutter at the intersection of Conduit and Brockwell. See Appendix A for specific location map. Loop detectors shall be installed in the planed/ milled surface before application of the surface (wearing) course. Side street loop detectors shall not be impacted by the work. To avoid damage, the contractor shall be responsible for locating side street loop detectors prior to planing/milling adjacent to the side street curb or pavement returns. The Contractor shall utilize off-duty officers from the City of Colonial Heights Police Department whenever work affecting public traffic is performed at signalized intersections or as directed by the Engineer. Off duty officers may be procured by using the website. No work shall be performed on the side streets, curb returns or driveway entrances, unless directed otherwise by the Engineer. For the purposes of this Project, ADT on Conduit Road is designated as Traffic Group XII, Hamilton Ave is designated as Traffic Group IX, Kent, Concord, Yorktown, Franklin, Maple, Poplar, Drake, Cottage Grove, Charlotte, and Meridian is designated as Traffic Group VI


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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